RF engineers are continually challenged when designing RF front-ends for mobile devices. A higher number of frequency bands (up to 40), including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, jammed into one device; fewer SKUs (stock keeping units) — all can make design tricky. In some cases, difficult coexistence requirements can go from being a minor inconvenience to a nightmare. And that's before designing for new standards, such as Power Class 2.
Power Class 2is anew LTE power standardthat gained3.GPP certification in December 2016作为在全球增长高性能用户设备(HPUE)的行业倡议的一部分,并在全球范围内提高2.5 GHz LTE TDD覆盖范围。更高的频率信号不能远行行进,因此蜂窝载波需要一种实现更高功率输出的方法。电力等级2是答案。
Initially, the 3GPP spec for Power Class 3, the previous standard, limited mobile-to-tower uplink of Band 41 to 23 dBm nominal output power. This definition helped ensure backward compatibility with prior technologies (GSM/UMTS) so that network deployment topologies could remain similar.
Learn more about HPUE and Power Class 2:
但是,TDD-LTE频段41没有与之相关的任何3GPP遗留技术,因此它不必向后兼容。这允许3GPP定义新的功率标准 - 功率等级2 - 并增加TDD带41的电源输出。
Power Class 2 allows for output power levels of 26 dBm — double the maximum output power previously defined by Power Class 3. (See the figure below.)
The increase in output power to Power Class 2 compensates for greater propagation losses at the higher TDD frequencies, enabling carriers to maintain cell coverage without adding expensive infrastructure. This is a win-win for both the user experience and the carriers — but it's a challenge for device manufacturers.
随着RF前端复杂性的增长,整体插入损耗链路预算增加。使用传统的离散组件和冗余匹配设计仅增加了链接预算。新的电力等级2要求(即输出功率为26 dBm)进一步使RF设计变得复杂。
But there's good news. From the RF front-end module perspective, analysis shows that TDD B41 at 26 dBm actually improves the PA contribution to battery life. There is also up to 30% improvement in cell coverage in B41 TD-LTE with a single carrier.
RF front-end design will continue to get more difficult as bands increase, frequencies go higher, and capacity solutions like载波聚合expand. Power Class 2 is a challenge, but one an RF engineer can meet if partnering with the most knowledgeable RF suppliers. Using high-performance QorvoBAW filter technologyand a highly integrated design approach likeRF FlexandRF Fusion将有助于手机设计师在较短的时间内更高效和成功。
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