January 31, 2020
Qorvo是今年消费电子表演的4,400家展览公司之一,展示了IoT,Wi-Fi 6和V2X令人兴奋的地区的创新产品和解决方案。这篇文章提供了我们揭幕的摘要,随着未来可能带来的一瞥......准备好了解更多机器人和甚至更聪明的家?Qorvo的系统架构师之一Nikolaus klemmer为来自CES的一些亮点提供了新的透视。
我们忍不住对交通的演变和围绕它的新技术感到兴奋。电动机(汽车,摩托车,电子自行车)周围的创新用例,以“未来的流动性” - 甚至无人驾驶飞行出租车均在展出。虽然自动驾驶汽车的概念似乎已经过渡到新的正常情况,但汽车仍然是整个展厅的焦点。Qualcomm特色自动驾驶控制器和远程信息处理控制单元(TCU),以通过蜂窝5G网络(V-V2X)启用“汽车到云”以及车辆到基础设施连接。
在三星展览区域中也突出了蜂窝载体 - 一切(C-V2X),其TCU原型的显示器显示出来的安全益处的现场演示和汽车与周围环境之间的互动。
Samsung showcased its 5G telematics controlled by the Exynos Auto T 5123 for the intelligent, connected car.
Robots were in high attendance at CES. UBTECH’s AIMBOT is an autonomous indoor monitoring robot built for intelligent inspection of data centers for everything from inventory management to safety and security.
With each new year, the number of smart home products announced at the show seems to quadruple from the year before, showing a trend for the adoption and demand in households across the globe. In a few of the pavilions, showgoers witnessed firsthand the pioneering technologies centered around security, control, sensing, remote access to the home or devices within it. The possibilities for the smart home seem endless and we got the impression that only creativity is the limit here. For example, Kohler displayed a smart faucet, which is configured via Alexa and can dispense a desired amount of water at a desired temperature on command.
CES is an important venue for Qorvo because we provide many of the technologies that drive innovation in consumer electronics. This year we made significant announcements related to 5G, IoT, Wi-Fi 6, and automotive – many of them breakthroughs that will continue to advance technology that connects the world.
智能家居产品的可能性似乎结束了less. Qorvo made several announcements about new products that support new use cases in the connected home. They include the following:
We announced the introduction of theQPG7015Mtransceiver, which is a System-on-Chip that allows multiple protocols and applications of smart home devices to communicate at a greater range. With the integration of multi-protocol support, it ensures that IoT designers don’t have to sacrifice device size and appearance to achieve protocol concurrency and high performance.
工业首款IFEM在设计入Wi-Fi 6(802.11AX)系统时可靠,全家庭覆盖
Wi-Fi 6 is gaining rapid momentum and new Qorvo products help to make it a reality. The newQPF7219iFEM combines Qorvo's advanced BAW filter technology with its unique边缘船™– or flat power – capability, nearly doubling Wi-Fi range and tripling capacity to handle more devices. With more than 50 billion connected wireless devices around the world by 2022 – as predicted by the Wi-Fi Alliance – the QPF7219 helps to make this a reality. It opens up the full 2.4GHz Wi-Fi bandwidth, making it all usable throughout the smart home and delivering more FCC-compliant range than any competing product. The compact size and addition of edgeBoost resolves interference, improves efficiency and reduces size – all while increasing speed, extending coverage and connecting more devices.
世界上最小,最良好的Wi-Fi 6解决方案,具有无缝的IOT集成
Continuing with the trend for Wi-Fi 6 and IoT, Qorvo announced support for seamless integration with a new kit. The QPK8642 kit advances Qorvo’s concept of a smart, connected home where there is a pod in every room, and where the challenge is to keep in synch with the changing requirements of the connectivity market. The kit includes QPQ1903, QPQ1904 and QPF4551 (all 5 GHz) and the newQPF7219(2.4 GHz)Wi-Fi过滤器以及新的QPG7015M物联网收发器。通过组合这些功能,设计人员可以在容量和覆盖范围内获得性能,以及ZigBee,线程和蓝牙®能量连接低,同时最小化连接家庭中的交叉无线电干扰。
To achieve a truly connected smart home, an enhanced "pod in every room" design serves as the best approach to achieve this distributed Wi-Fi architecture with IoT communications. Because every pod serves as a wireless access point, every access point will support Wi-Fi and IoT standards. This includes the home’s increased Wi-Fi requirements as well as Zigbee, Thread andBluetooth®设备。
Qorvo expands cellular IoT portfolio to support the NB-IoT and LTE-M cellular standards
NB-IoT and LTE-M are two established mobile technologies getting focused attention and gaining adoption. To that end, Qorvo announced the addition of two RF front-end (RFFE) modules that support the NB-IoT and LTE-M cellular standards allowing our customers to design always-on global connectivity for a massive number of devices, including applications that weren't previously feasible. We partnered with Nordic Semiconductor to develop cellular IoT solutions using Qorvo’s RFFE modules, which offer high integration, and minimize the size and power consumption that are critical battery-powered devices.
Announcements from companies big and small at CES reinforced the notion that the connected car is quickly becoming mainstream. Qorvo is committed to advancing it as well and made two announcements related to automotive applications. They include:
Qorvo的新型,完整的V2X前端解决方案可以在远程信息处理控制单元(TCU)和天线中可靠的车辆到所有(V2X)链路。它包括第一频段47 / Wi-Fi散装声波(BAW)共存滤波器,其使Wi-Fi与V2X 5.9 GHz带共存,这对于在车辆及其周围环境之间建立可靠的联系至关重要。
Qorvo Connected Car - V2X,V2V,V2I,V2P和V2N
New power management IC allows for rapid in-vehicle phone charging
我们扩展了我们的产品组合,用于快速车内充电,并宣布ACT4751M的公告。这是行业的第一个AEC-Q100合格的降压,专用于USB Type-C的电压 - 稳压器IC®Fast Charger applications, meets all power requirements for USB Fast Charger applications, including the Power Delivery 3.0 Programmable Power Supply (USB PD 3.0 PPS) specification.
扩展Wi-Fi 6e,6 GHz频谱
In addition to product and solution announcements, we also announcedsupport for Wi-Fi 6E。作为Wi-Fi联盟的成员®, Qorvo完全背后的努力帮助simplify and enable the 6 GHz spectrum. At CES, we announced that we support the Wi-Fi Alliance’s efforts to advance the discussion and implementation of Wi-Fi 6E – the extension of Wi-Fi 6 into the 6 GHz spectrum. As we’ve done in the past, we’ll continue to develop innovative technologies that help customers realize all the benefits of this spectrum expansion.
Lastly, we announced our fifth year as Qorvo. We celebrated this milestone with our UK-based Mobile Product design team launching and safely returning a Qorvo payload 22 miles into space. Qorvo was formed on January 2, 2015, following the merger of RFMD and TriQuint Semiconductor, two companies with many decades of RF expertise in commercial and defense markets.
CES 2020的Qorvo展位 - 庆祝五年!
The Bluetooth®Word Mark和徽标是Bluetooth Sig,Inc。拥有的注册商标,以及Qorvo US,Inc。的任何使用此类商标。其他商标和商品名称是各自所有者的商标。
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