February 10, 2020

    New Connectivity Solutions Span the IoT SpaceThere’s no doubt about it, the事情互联网(物联网)正在产生很多兴奋,在地平线上没有新的应用程序。从智能家庭到连接的汽车到管理它的无线基础设施 - 看看IOT中的安装进步以及新技术进入游戏的地方。


    随着新器件的新设备,我们现在有能力远程控制温度,“谈话”到我们的电视机,即使在不打开冰箱门,即使在不打开冰箱门以查看需要库存的东西,也可以自动化杂货店。由于Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)成为现实,一些主要的改进是 - 主要是RF范围,数据速率,减少尺寸和RF干扰管理。随着Wi-Fi的分布式Wi-Fi,每个房间的吊舱都是一个可行的方法,无线连接整个房子。通过这种连接的毯子,每个房间的豆荚将作为无线接入点 - 支持主机的Wi-Fi,ZigBee,螺纹,蓝牙®在多个通道上的信号 - 在每个房间配备高速和低速IOT设备。


    然而,与每个新的技术一样,存在挑战。IOT设备的两个大考虑因素是尺寸和热量。设计人员必须在使用单独的芯片时考虑加热和尺寸,以在其系统中启用ZigBee,线程和蓝牙低能量(BLE)。此外,虽然Wi-Fi 6能力的持续扩展,MIMO流数以及增加频谱复合的频率和尺寸挑战 - 它创造了用于分配当今家用的大数据带宽要求的最佳车辆。现在有智能家居解决方案,在设计中提供更多房地产,以及散热。这些解决方案包括:

    • 芯片(SOC)系统。使用多协议的IOT解决方案,在芯片(SOC)的一个集成系统中完全发送和接收这些无线信号,保存空间。例如,Qorvo不仅专注于多层SOC,处理上面引用的所有RF信号,而且还对带边缘性能。这可确保通过2.4GHz和5 GHz频带传输的信号清晰,而不会干扰,并提供通信所需的功率。
    • 集成前端模块(IFEM)。而不是使用单独的PAS,LNA,过滤器,交换机,它们都可以集成到IFEM中。这降低了设计劳动时间,并否定了额外的设备的成本,如集总电阻器,电容器和电感器。具有过滤技术的IFEM还可以实现共存和带边沿性能。RF性能优化了降低损耗并为较小的解决方案尺寸进行缩放。Qorvo的技术能力使简化的Wi-Fi 6复杂性具有扩展的频率覆盖范围。
    • 包装中的系统(SIP)。Qorvo.has developed a SIP that simultaneously supports Zigbee 3.0, Green Power, Thread and BLE. This SiP integrates Qorvo power amplifier technology providing 20 dBm output, extending range and battery life and enabling robust interference resolution. All of these are especially important for smart home applications. That way, when you stream video, receive doorbell snapshots, manage the thermostat, and respond to smartwatch alerts, it doesn’t affect the wireless capabilities of anything else in the house (sensor alerts, alarms, lighting, etc).

    Cellular IoT:连接舰队,农场和城市


    Smart buildings, smart grids and smart manufacturing – or the Industrial IoT (IIoT) – also have far-reaching possibilities. Machine-to-machine connections utilize high-volume cellular smart metering and asset tracking applications use low-power wide-area networks based on the NB-IoT and LTE CAT-M1 (eMTC) standards. NB-IoT RF technology optimizes performance and provides a low power consumption solution in low-power IoT applications. Designed for global use, it helps IoT manufacturers reduce cost by minimizing the need to regionalize their products. New features and functionality for smart factories – such as manufacturing devices reporting statistics and usage efficiency – could mean repairs or fixes before equipment breaks down, and even better forecasting and supply chain/customer data.

    阿比研究predicts that low-power wide-area networks will be the world’s fastest-growing connectivity technology through 2025, supporting four billion IoT devices by that date.

    汽车V2X: Driving Multiple Possibilities

    The “connected car” – or vehicle-to-everything (V2X) – includes a spectrum of communication possibilities, including vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V); vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I); vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P); and vehicle-to-network (V2N).Gartner研究estimates there will be 250 million connected vehicles on the road by 2020.

    Cellular Vehicle to Everything Communications Infographic

    Qorvo.is working with Qualcomm and major automakers to trial cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) applications – an important step to support wireless safety communications between vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and infrastructure. C-V2X enhances situational awareness by detecting and exchanging information using low-latency direct transmission in the 5.9 GHz Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) band for V2V, V2I, and V2P situations, without a cellular subscription or network assistance.

    Qorvo已与领先的汽车人ufacturers to provide precise RF communications through the performance and integration of the C-V2X module. Qorvo’s RF modules provide higher power operation resulting in enhanced RF range, improved accuracy and higher reliability – all essential for intelligent, onboard communication systems within the connected car and/or autonomous driving. Qorvo’s FEM includes an HBT PA, PHEMT LNA and PHEMT switch, which provide the high bandwidth benefits of 5G and lower temperature operations in automotive applications.

    然而,V2X和Wi-Fi热点的繁重使用也在连接的汽车中产生了新的安全挑战。例如,V2X和5 GHz Wi-Fi将具有巨大的频谱共存挑战,需要addressed using innovative filter products。Some filters provide an important safety factor, such as in the case of band 13. Proper bandpass filters such as band 13, mitigate interference between the cellular LTE band 13 and the public safety band used by U.S. public safety services.


    Qorvo.has been performing worldwide trials and ensuring all products meet stringent automotive industry requirements (AEC-Q100 and AEC-Q200). Qorvo'sConnected Car For Dummies®e-bookcan be found这里


    IoT devices, smart homes, machine-to-machine communications and connected cars will all require the performance of a strong network infrastructure. With massive growth of IoT data traffic, we’re prepping for how this substantial increase will challenge the existing communications’ capabilities.

    预计5G基站将以比当前网络基站更高的速度导航到更多的流量。在SUB-7 GHz和毫米波(MMWAVE)频段中可用的新频谱可用于5G,围绕能够提供载波聚合,大规模MIMO和波束成形解决方案的5G网络的实现构建了整个生态系统,以最大化数据容量和吞吐量。


    如今,新的放大器,开关和过滤器可用于快速部署IOT网络。事实上,在中国,这些解决方案正在促进使用900 MHz频段的早期网络建设。小信号产品系列提供高线性,低功耗,低噪音,小尺寸和优异的集成度。它包括发射线性放大器,增益块和可变增益放大器,以及衰减器,开关,滤波器,双工器和低噪声放大器。

    By meeting and exceeding 5G performance metrics and developing new products for Customer Premise Equipment (CPE), mmWave repeaters, small cell and base stations and enterprise systems, we’re constantly innovating for the promising world of Wi-Fi 6/6E. We capitalize on our front-end differentiators, reducing power consumption and interference resolution while maintaining high throughput and range.


    在展望5G和IOT的可能性时,新的解决方案公司全天然专注于连接的基础 - 适用于家庭,汽车,机器,城市甚至区域基础设施。增加的设备连接将有助于启用物联网和工业互联网(IIT) - 从我们尚未见证的范围内授权100倍的设备。


    Read the Internet of Things For Dummies®图书


    The Bluetooth®Word Mark和徽标是Bluetooth Sig,Inc。拥有的注册商标,以及Qorvo US,Inc。的任何使用此类商标。其他商标和商品名称是各自所有者的商标。

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