It's been said that most assumptions have outlived their uselessness, but I assume a few things nonetheless. First, I assume you have an interest in the wireless industry and filter technologies. If so, this article will be of interest for you! Next, I assume you're a design engineer, manager, salesperson, customer, supplier, investor, or just someone who needs to know more about filter technologies. As such, here are ten important things you probably should know aboutRF过滤器技术。
- Filters remove unwanted frequency components from a signal while preserving desired frequency components.
- 质量因数(Q因子)是过滤器损耗的主要确定仪之一。下Q导致过滤拐角的更高损失和圆角。对于窄带调制,该圆角可能是有问题的。
- The wider the bandwidth and the greater the required selectivity, the more the insertion loss parameter must be sacrificed. The design engineer must balance these characteristics in order to eliminate increasing the power amplifier (PA) output and potential increased current and matching components.
- The most common filter configuration for mobile devices is an声滤波器— surface acoustic wave (SAW) and bulk acoustic wave (BAW).
- 最常见的声学滤波器架构是梯形图配置,其中多个谐振器以串联和分流装置连接。
- A duplexer with a high isolation between the transmit and receive frequencies is optimal when trying to achieve high sensitivity in a user's wireless system design.
- SAW器件在低于1.5 GHz的较低频率下工作最佳,而BAW技术最适合超过1.5 GHz的过滤器设计。
- 在今天的移动环境, the amount of bands required in one device is staggering — and the trend will only increase. Supporting all these bands causes coexistence issues requiring filters to reject bands, such as public safety, global navigation satellite system (GNSS), Wi-Fi, and others. Filters have an important role in allowing coexistence between bands.
- Spectrum allocation for new frequencies requires filters to have much tighter temperature drift. Qorvo'sLowdrift™和Nodrive™过滤技术最佳地址这些温度漂移要求。Nodrift技术可以产生每百万摄氏度(PPM /°C)特征的基本零份。
- Advanced packaging technologies developed by Qorvo, such as CuFlip (pronounced "copper flip") and wafer level packaging (WLP), enable high performance and high levels of integration. These characteristics will be increasingly necessary as the band count and complexity level of radio frequency (RF) front ends continue to increase.
要了解有关RF过滤器技术的更多信息,请下载我们的电子书,RF Filter Technologies For Dummies®。您将了解RF滤波器,温度漂移,声学滤波器和过滤器包装技术的基础知识。
– Excerpted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., fromRF Filter Technologies For Dummies。