Overall Quality Versus a Lower Cost
- 供应商技术应用团队的服务和支持
- 支持from a knowledgeable sales team
- Proven quality of service, systems and processes
- 与各个部件相比捆绑产品提供并提供整体解决方案的能力
- 供应商生产高质量产品和服务的能力远远超过最初的试验设计阶段
- 产能
- How many factories they have
- The total volume of shipments they can handle
- 他们提供可行预测信息的设计和生产阶段的能力
- 它们是如何组织的
- 有供货协议吗?
- 他们在质量或交付问题方面是什么指导方针?
In most Wi-Fi designs, it's helpful to dive into how a supplier addresses requirements of a product or solution and systematic cost impacts like:
- Engineering time and effort (tuning and optimizing)
- Additional assembly and PC Board related efforts
- 热管理
- 静电防护
- Regulatory compliance
Looking at suppliers who have experience and resources with addressing these product requirements will go a long way to minimize potential time-to-market delays – especially later in the design phase or after product rollout.
您的技术合作伙伴面向未来吗?他们的产品组合是否解决了现有和新开发的标准,例如Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)?他们是否投资于未来协议的研发?未来的公司将投资于研究和开发,以区分其产品,并继续竞争。与这些类型的公司对齐可以帮助您的组织实现类似的福利 - 尤其是在竞争激烈的消费景观中。
New developing standards will always occur within the wireless industry. Making certain to partner with forward thinking component companies is a must to ensure the development of leading-edge products.
A Whole Solution Approach Avoids Unforeseen Costs
For example, the RF PA efficiency affects PC board thermals and package design. Knowing the PA efficiency specification under various Wi-Fi modes is important. Understanding the PA efficiency impact on your system design is imperative to avoiding costly re-design, heatsinks or regulatory requirement failure.
Integration is another cost saving consideration. Designing withoptimized integrated solution组件可以减少设计时间和调优。许多tegrated components also incorporate filter technology reducing interference and coexistence. Having the filter integrated within the module means your design team spends less time tuning for a discrete filter. It also reduces the need for extra tuning components.
A strategic supplier should also work with you118金宝app 除了帮助您卸载和解决优化任务。最终,可以在与支持解决方案成功的供应商合作中找到价值。
In the pressure to source the best parts for the lowest cost, we hope this has armed you with key considerations to evaluate. Balancing between cost and quality, a company’s financial stability, sustainability, and their ability to create next generation products will set you up for delivering more value for your upcoming Wi-Fi system designs.