
    乌得勒支,荷兰 - 2016年3月31日 -GreenPeak Technologies, one of the world’s leading low power RF semiconductor companies, announced that人民权力是一家提供云和移动服务的获奖软件公司推出存在安全这是在GreenPeak技术的建立。两家公司都是开发未来证明,高品质智能家居解决方案的重要司机,为高级生活方式,能源效率和家庭安全。通过计算GreenPeak作为硅供应商,人们的力量能够履行其使命,以建立可靠,开放和低成本的住宅网络,允许服务提供商通过营销新的智能家庭服务来创建新的收入流。

    人民权力Works with GreenPeak to Offer Smart Home SolutionsGreenPeak提供广泛的IEEE 802.15.4和ZigBee超低功耗硅产品,用于智能家居应用,允许合作伙伴建立无线和维护的免费解决方案,这些解决方案可以在十年中进行电池运行。人们为其市场提供了GreenPeak的无线电芯片,以其市场领先的性能,包括更好的范围,对WiFi干扰,高可靠性和低成本的鲁棒性。此外,最新的GreenPeak芯片使不同的网络和配置文件层的组合能够并行运行。


    “作为一个无线专家架构的一些the world’s lowest power wireless sensor networks, I deeply understand the challenges of reliably connecting sensors in real world deployments,” said David Moss, President and CTO of People Power Company. “We work with GreenPeak’s technology because they have proven to be an industry game changer, delivering an unprecedented level of wireless range, battery life, and reliability, which People Power depends upon to offer engaging and meaningful services through large iconic brands and service providers.”

    “GreenPeak和People Powers份额份额相同,即IoS供应商需要专注于提供智能服务。GreenPeak Technologies的Cees Links,创始人兼首席执行官,为人们提供福利,从舒适和便利,从安慰和便利提供福利,从而为人们提供了真正重要的。“通过将我们的游戏更换硅融入人力的解决方案,我们使服务提供商能够以经济实惠的最终用户价格提供无线智能家居解决方案。服务提供商将获得一个开放的未来证明系统,动态提供最新服务,并将允许它们产生额外的经常性收入流。“

    关于GreenPeak Technologies
    GreenPeak Technologies is an award winning fabless semiconductor/system company and one of the world’s recognized leaders in the IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee market with a rich offering of semiconductor products and software technologies for Smart Home data communications and the IoT. The GreenPeak founders have significantly contributed to the invention of WiFi and are responsible for it being a commercial success used by billions of people worldwide today. GreenPeak is recognized as a leader in developing new wireless technologies for consumer electronics and Smart Home applications, demonstrating rapid growth and adoption by major customers. GreenPeak is privately funded. It is headquartered in Utrecht, The Netherlands and has offices in Belgium, China, France, India, Korea and USA.

    人们成立于2009年,人民权力是一家屡获殊荣的软件公司,具有骄傲的流动和绿色技术。People Power Company提供Ensemble Software Suite的东西互联网,使服务提供商和制造商能够使用现成的云和移动软件堆栈快速启动产品和服务。人员电源直观的消费者应用程序,在线,不仅将备用智能设备转换为无线摄像机以增加安全性,还扩展以控制现代智能家园并连接智能社区。该应用程序也可用作白色标记的软件应用程序框架。有关更多信息,请访问

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