免费的“假人®5 g射频”电子书讨论5 g路线图,司机、挑战和解决方案

    北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗 - 2017年6月27日 -Qorvo®(纳斯达克股票代码:QRVO),创新的射频解决方案是连接世界的领先供应商,已经推出了最新的电子书,“5G RF用于傻瓜®。”写在与出版商John Wiley和Sons,Inc.是免费的,44页的小册子提供了一个深入了解在5G结合 - 考虑物联网(IOT)和移动通信的互联网的未来。它可以免费下载5G RF傻瓜

    5G RF对于Dummies®帮助技术和非技术专业人士了解5G将如何发展,并将我们周围的世界连接起来。电子书还提供了对5G趋势、用例、路线图、RF技术的关键作用以及4G LTE如何成为实现5G的基石的独特见解。Qorvo的专家从移动和基础设施的角度阐述了5G的许多重要方面。

    5G迁移持续引起业界的关注和讨论。Strategy Analytics表示,到2025年,5G连接预计将达到6.9亿次,手机出货量将超过3亿部。Strategy Analytics高级分析师杨光表示:“5G网络计划在2016年发展良好,推动了一个生态系统,到2025年将有7%的移动连接使用5G网络。”1


    Qorvo运营商联络与标准主管保罗·库珀表示:“Qorvo正在与行业领袖合作,并在研究工作上合作,以创建这一新标准,从而为所有5G使用案例奠定基础。在推动5G射频技术方面,没有哪家公司能比Qorvo做得更好。我们在最新的电子书中分享了我们的行业经验和支持5G实地试验的关键信息,5G RF对于Dummies®。

    5G RF对于Dummies®涵盖的主题包括:








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    本新闻稿中包含“前瞻性陈述” 1995年美国私人证券诉讼改革法案,这些前瞻性声明包含的安全港条款所界定的,但不限于,有关我们计划,目标,陈述语句和争论和不属于历史事实和通常使用的术语,如“可能”,“将要”,“应该”,“可能”,“预计”,“计划”,“预期”,“相信”,“估计被确定“,‘预测’,‘潜在’,‘继续’等类似的话,但也有一些前瞻性陈述有不同的表达。你应该知道,这里包括的前瞻性声明代表管理层的当前判断及期望,但我们的实际结果,活动和业绩可能与所表达或前瞻性陈述存在重大差异。我们不打算更新任何前瞻性声明的或公开的任何修订结果宣布对这些前瞻性声明,除了如联邦证券法律规定。Qorvo的业务受多种风险和不确定性,包括变异的经营业绩,某些客户或供应商的无法访问其传统信贷来源,我们行业的快速变化的技术,我们的几个大客户的很大一部分依赖of our revenue, a loss of revenue if contracts with the U.S. government or defense and aerospace contractors are canceled or delayed, our ability to implement innovative technologies, our ability to bring new products to market and achieve design wins, the efficient and successful operation of our wafer fabrication facilities, assembly facilities and test and tape and reel facilities, our ability to adjust production capacity in a timely fashion in response to changes in demand for our products, variability in manufacturing yields, industry overcapacity and current macroeconomic conditions, inaccurate product forecasts and corresponding inventory and manufacturing costs, dependence on third parties and our ability to manage platform providers and customer relationships, our dependence on international sales and operations, our ability to attract and retain skilled personnel and develop leaders, the possibility that future acquisitions may dilute our shareholders' ownership and cause us to incur debt and assume contingent liabilities, fluctuations in the price of our common stock, additional claims of infringement on our intellectual property portfolio, lawsuits and claims relating to our products, security breaches and other similar disruptions compromising our information and exposing us to liability, and the impact of stringent environmental regulations. These and other risks and uncertainties, which are described in more detail in Qorvo's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and in other reports and statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any of these forward-looking statements.