GREENSBORO, NC – March 16, 2017 –Qorvo.®(纳斯达克:QRVO)是连接世界的创新RF解决方案的领先提供商,推出了五种新的低功耗脉冲幅度调制-4(PAM4)光学解决方案。新产品在数据中心内连接设备,以有效地处理并提供不断增加的数据量。跨阻抗放大器(TIAS)和驱动程序的系列为客户提供了最广泛的PAM4选项,以支持100G到400G光网络的需求。
“While the current ramp of 100G Ethernet in large data centers is dramatic, there is considerable interest in implementing the new Ethernet speeds, especially with PAM4 modulation,” remarked Vladimir Kozlov, founder and CEO of LightCounting Market Research. “Qorvo’s new linear drivers and TIAs will support all the new speeds from 25G, 50G, 200G and even 400G.”
Qorvo Transport Business Onlen总经理Gorden Cook表示,“我们很高兴地推出业界最广泛的PAM4产品系列,包括司机和TIA。这些产品旨在更有效地连接数据中心和客户端电信应用中的设备。我们完整的解决方案将使我们的光学客户能够提高性能,降低总成本并加快实现100g至400g系统。“
Built on high-performance gallium arsenide (GaAs), indium phosphide (InP) and silicon germanium (SiGe) technologies, the Qorvo PAM4 family includes three 28GBaud linear drivers and two linear TIAs. The units feature the industry’s leading power efficiency within the range of 200 milliwatts per channel, high gain and high linearity, in a small footprint.
Qorvo.’s new linear drivers are now being built into optical network systems. The single-channel TIAs will be available for sampling in April. Additional quad-channel drivers and new TIAs will be available in late 2017.
QPA4854- 用于100G NRZ和200G / 400G CFP8 PAM4应用程序的28 Gbaud Quad通道线性驱动器 | |
单端输入单端输出 | |
Bandwidth | 30 GHz |
获得 | 14 dB. |
能量消耗 | 200 MW /频道 |
QPA4993- 用于100G SFP28应用的28 GBaud单通道线性驱动器 | |
差分输入单端输出 | |
Bandwidth | 30 GHz |
能量消耗 | 330 MW /频道 |
QPA4994- 用于100G NRZ和200G / 400G CFP8 PAM4应用程序的28 Gbaud Quad通道线性驱动器 | |
差分输入单端输出 | |
Bandwidth | 30 GHz |
能量消耗 | 330 MW /频道 |
TGA4875– Single-channel TIA for 100G PAM4 and DMT applications | |
Bandwidth | 36 GHz |
Transimpedance Gain | 5400 ohm |
QPA4876D– Single-channel TIA for 200G/400G PAM4 and DMT applications | |
Bandwidth | 32 GHZ |
Transimpedance Gain | 6100 ohm |
Qorvo.has provided market-leading linear driver solutions to tier one OEMs since 2008, and has shipped more than 3 million transmit modulator driver amplifiers and receive transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) for use in high-performance optical equipment. These components are critical for long-haul, metro and data center applications. Qorvo's optical network products offer the size, power and performance needed to support higher-frequency signals and extremely low distortion to enable the next generations of fiber optic networks.
The Qorvo optical portfolio will be showcased at the光学Networking and Communication Conference and Exposition(#ofc)在洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州,3月21日至23日,在展位#2263和#2533。在光学运输核心访问Qorvo的高性能解决方案,了解更多有关Qorvo的高性能解决方案
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