December 19, 2017

    In a previous blog post, we coveredfive key things to know about Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax), the next big standard for Wi-Fi. Let’s examine some of the challenges that RF engineers will face when designing for Wi‑Fi 6 and some tips on how to overcome them.

    Some background: 5 OFDMA PPDU formats for Wi‑Fi 6

    But first, let’s look at the foundational signal structure for Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax) — the physical layer protocol data units that Wi-Fi clients and devices use to communicate.

    802.11AX使用五种格式的OFDMA PPDU:

    • Single User (HE-SU).For transmitting data from a single user.
    • Multi User (HE-MU).用于将数据传输到一个或多个响应于触发器帧的用户。
    • Outdoor (HE-xSU).对于单个用户的户外传输。此格式在802.11AX中是新的。
    • Trigger Response (HE-TRIG).For transmitting data in response to a trigger frame. Used to coordinate uplink MU-MIMO or uplink OFDMA transmissions with the access point.
    • 下行链路通道声音(HE-NDP)。For波束成形and downlink频道听起来.

    看看imageat the end of this blog post for details of the frame packets and fields within each PPDU format.


    • EVM:错误矢量幅度
    • 他:High efficiency
    • HEW:High-Efficiency WLAN (or High-Efficiency Wireless)
    • mu-mimo:多用户多输入/多个输出
    • NDP:Null data packet
    • OFDMA:Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access
    • PLCP:Physical Layer Convergence Procedure
    • PPDU:PLCP Protocol Data Unit
    • QAM:Quadrature amplitude modulation
    • TWT:Target wait time

    Wait or sleep times: What are the challenges for the RF front end?

    Wi-Fi 6(802.11AX)的一件事是目标等待时间(TWT) - 也称为睡眠时间 - 这允许设备在传输数据之前长时间保持在睡眠状态。这种资源调度提高了电池寿命,这意味着消费者的更好体验。


    However, latency in turn-on mode could be an underlying challenge. TWT also brings the following:

    • High susceptibility to frequency and clock offsets in OFDMA.与LTE基站技术不同,Wi-Fi 6没有同步时钟信号。因此,设备将依赖于接入点以使网络上的所有设备保持同步。此外,Wi-Fi 6使用比11ac更长的OFDM符号(Wi-Fi 5), which means more data comes through. In short, the access point will have to work harder — and be more accurate — than in the past.
    • Flatness maintained over a longer time period.我们从我们的一些芯片组合作伙伴接收的规范表明,Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)中没有更改初始功率放大器(PA)接通时间;它仍然是200-400纳秒。然而,增益平整度已经扩展,保证前端模块(FEM)没有增益扩展或增益下降,以便在分组的持续时间内。

    Indoor vs. outdoor Wi-Fi: What are the similarities and differences?

    For Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax) to work across all environments, both indoor Wi-Fi and outdoor base stations or小细胞将被要求。

    The front-end development is very similar for indoor and outdoor environments. Thecoexistence strategy- 带外抑制,谐波滤波和频率范围 - 类似。


    • A new data packet structure for outdoor.As we mentioned earlier, Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax) adds an entirely new data packet format for outdoor Wi‑Fi, theHe-xsu.PPDU格式(所示PPDU figure在这个博客帖子的末尾)。户外PPDU格式的扩展范围允许Wi-Fi信号在户外Wi-Fi环境中典型的距离。
    • 功率水平和产生的热考虑因素。Although some customer premises equipment (CPE) applications have similar power targets as mobile, there is also a high-power category, which meansthermal managementis even more important.

    在Wi-Fi 6中设计更紧凑的系统要求(802.11AX)

    Themodulation scheme used in Wi‑Fi 6,1024 QAM,四次无线速度。但它也意味着系统对内部和外部损伤更敏感。

    Here are some of the design challenges that engineers should be aware of:

    • Tighter linearity specs for the PA.1024 QAM中的较小星座密度驱动PA linearity requirement在802.11ax中约为-47 dB EVM。(但是,努力放宽系统EVM要求IEEE DOC 11-17-1350.) Also, don’t forget to assess the test systems required to measure these EVM levels for FEMs/iFEMs.
    • LNAs must have a lower NF.Earlier reference designs required low noise amplifiers (LNAs) to have a noise figure (NF) target range of 2.5-3 dB. In Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax), system sensitivity targets drive new LNA targets of 1.5-1.8 dB NF.
    • Gain expansion/droop.Ten years ago, the gain imbalance target was 1 dB. Now it has decreased to 0.3-0.5 dB. As shown in the following figure, gain and phase imbalance are being pushed to the lower left to attain -47 dB EVM.
    • The overall system margin.From a design perspective, the target PA specification is -47 dB EVM, but the actual system spec is ‑35 dB EVM. Chipset partners will typically drive for system margin.

    802.11ax FEM/iFEM vs. System Requirements

    To address all these design challenges, engineers and marketing can consider the following:

    • 增加当前消费to meet EVM targets.如果增加ICC,系统通常会实现更好的EVM,但它也将降低增强效率(PAE)。为实现体面的PAE和线性权衡,您需要优化这些主要焦点领域:
      • Load line
      • Interstage matching
      • Bias circuit design
      • Digital predistortion (DPD)
      • Envelope tracking (ET)
    • Design assumptions: Ask if the device needs to be best-in-class for the premium tier or serve mass tier.答案确实取决于市场,因为需求因客户和应用而异。早期采用者和旗舰优质产品可能会推动级别的性能(-47 dB EVM)。相比之下,如果产品用于质量层或低成本市场,则在优质层初始采用后,设备可能不会需要在另一年内提供Wi-Fi 6。

    A final thought: Designing for a standard that’s still in flux

    最重要的是,请记住,Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)规范仍在定义,并且您应该与您的应用团队合作,以最大限度地为新兴标准设计产品设计。Qorvo致力于帮助客户提供设计专业知识,因为此Wi-Fi标准呈现。有关技术指导和应用支持,请访问我们的118金宝app 网页。


    OFDMAPPDU Formats – 5 Formats for 802.11ax (High-Efficiency Wireless)

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    杰夫琼斯has been with Qorvo since 2000 and held various roles in test engineering, product engineering, design engineering and applications engineering. He currently manages the mobile Wi-Fi applications team.

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