Qorvo 30年的铸造服务生产市场不断金博宝安卓版变化的国防和小型企业创新
Maintaining a U.S.-based foundry is critical for the DoD, our country's defense primes, and our key partnerships because it continues to fuel new technology, innovations and maturation of processes. Advancing technologies and manufacturing products in high volume not only helps drive costs down but brings new technologies into the commercial space – as we are seeing with 5G.
We sat down with Senior Director of Research Vijay Balakrishna to discuss Qorvo's foundry, its history, and why it has a crucial role in the company's strategy.
Qorvo.has been a main supplier of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) for multiple markets since 1985. Our GaAs (III-V) semiconductor roots stem from several technology companies that came together to form Qorvo.
完全是超过三十年的支持铸造服务的各种客户。金博宝安卓版我们在20世纪80年代提供了Gaas Mesfeet,在20世纪90年代的氮化镓(GaN)的Phemt,我们继续推进GaAs和GaN技术。有些人可能会想到GaAs作为陈旧但真的,它在美国航空公司和卫星周围都是如此,也是必要的,即使是未来的5G技术。我们还将铸造服务扩展到声学过滤器 - 表面和金博宝安卓版散装声波(SAW,BAW)过滤技术 - 受益于国防和商业市场。
回到2005年,我们在其宽的带隙半导体RF程序(WBGS-RF)上致力于国防高级研究项目局(DARPA),以推进X波段雷达和宽带EW应用的关键GaN晶体管技术。从那时起,我们在电源,效率和带宽中满足了挑战的宽带MMIC级性能指标。除了是2008年第一个释放0.25微米GaN技术(GaN25)的人,并在2009年将其作为铸造服务提供,我们也是第一个达到65伏工艺的GaN。金博宝安卓版从UHF到Q频段,Qorvo的GaN产品系列持续成熟,通过国防部标题III GAN计划实现制造准备水平(MRL)9。
Yes, the foundry is open to strategic customers. We typically work with large defense companies and government research organizations, and we also work with small businesses and universities on research ideas. We engage with many labs, like DARPA, that pursue challenging initiatives and advanced functions that involve creating new designs, running tests, and exploring "what if" scenarios on particular technology nodes.
When we have the availability, we're open to working through new designs and innovations and produce both custom and standard products. We also provide wafer and chip options for prototyping.
Working in lockstep with our customers affords us a hands-on perspective regarding new technology needs and use cases – from 3-5 years to 10 years and beyond. They're the canary in the coal mine, giving us the inside view into future research and shaping the products we develop.
For instance, DARPA's advanced research projects look at needs 10-20 years out. They're driving technology and programs with the future in mind. One example – what do we do with silicon after Moore's Law, how do we get more out of our chips?
The Army, Air Force, Navy and other research labs look 5-10 years out; the defense primes work approximately three years out. For small businesses and universities, it's hard to say. Their timelines really vary, depending on the customer and the needs of the industry.
对于我们的辩护和国防部客户的客户来说,基于美国的代数是一个关键资源。这些组织正在寻找安全的,trustedenvironment in which to design, develop and test new ideas and technologies. We’re proud to offer a国防部认可值得信赖的来源(第1A类)设施,这已经实现了制造准备水平(MRL)9。
In addition to providing quality and reliability, we do cost walkthroughs with our customers to make their解决方案实惠。他们给我们一个价格点;我们提出了关于如何实现成本目标的建议。我们与客户合作,减少测试时间,提高产量,并提供额外的服务或包装。我们还讨论规范和卷需要将成本推向下一个装配水平。
Last but not least, we're the onlyvertically integrated金博宝安卓版它的铸造。这意味着我们提供额外的服务,如包装,晶圆试验,视觉检查和所有在一个屋檐下的扩展铸造服务。金博宝安卓版提供各种服务是独一无二的 - 包括处理晶圆,模具,组件,包装,提供咨询,运行测试,种植外延的能力。
Our services are bucketed into a few different categories:
一个是assembly and packagingtechnologies. Many customers prefer integrated, cost-effective packaging designs – so we offer various high-reliability RF packaging options including ceramic, plastic epoxy packaging, military-grade and high-grade custom metal packaging – all produced in house. Our automated microwave module assembly (AMMA), located in our Texas facility, is where we perform assembly functions. With the addition of die-attach equipment, we fabricate, test, package and ship die-level devices to customers from one secure location.
Another is设计咨询。We have world-class researchers and designers available to engage with our customers. It’s common that we may recommend small changes to design or custom testing to improve circuit performance or reduce variations and sensitivity. We offer consultations on electronic parameters and can adjust manufacturing characteristics, such as how we test and analyze a new product. We talk with our customers in great detail about our processing capabilities, to understand their needs and provide guidance regarding which processes will work best in their design.
提供的另一项服务是技术援助——在我们的流程和数据项各种选项ition analysis for customers to make better choices with their circuits. For example, the types of transistors, number of capacitors, allowable configurations for interconnect, different capabilities for on-wafer tests, inspection criteria, delivery characteristics are all areas we may offer insight. Our customer base produces highly differentiated products and we help them achieve that.
有时,我们的客户正在寻找一个安全的铸造空间,他们可以选择开发新的设计和技术,同时仍然保持自己的IP金博宝安卓版 - 通过选择Qorvo高级研究员和设计师的专业知识,以获得他们的专业知识。
One significant achievement is when we were working with a large defense prime contractor on an emergent need for the U.S. Army. We were able to quickly ramp to scale, successfully respond to our customer’s needs, and field the technology, thus, working to save lives in Afghanistan.
最近的另一个例子是空间通信范围内新视野。该任务是值得注意的,因为它将冥王星及其卫星的第一个高分辨率图片送回地球,发射后九年。这里有一些显着的历史 - 包括我们的空间合格的技术伴随着其他探索,如火星上的好奇虎以及土星附近的Cassini-Huygens航天器。
Explore GaN Designs Commercial and Military MarketsRead the e-Book>>
Qorvo.has pioneered and perfected many of today's processes with GaN, GaAs and other materials that enable the most powerful RF modules on the market. Notably, GaN – matured through a defense funding model – is now extending data rates and operating frequencies for commercial 5G networks, more than ever envisioned for mobile wireless communications. These foundry-produced innovations are possible due to years of tests, proven reliability in harsh environments, and focus on quality. With a thriving foundry, and more than three decades of innovation under its belt, we're always looking to the future and new research developments.
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