October 26, 2016


    Sound crazy? Maybe not.

    The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was recently awarded to three scientists for developing the世界上最小的机器。Black widow spiders are among the smallest yet most venomous animals on the planet. RF components, of course, are a great example, too. From功率放大器开关1188betasia 甚至完全射频前端,今天的微小RF元件电源全球cellular networks,移动设备和communication systems on land, sea and air.


    • 泪珠的拖车
    • Ghost peppers
    • 小房子
    • Ant-Man
    • Simone Biles.



    对于想要与之对齐的RF公司的小型事项smartphone market。虽然当今智能手机和移动设备中的“房地产”已经生长为适应更大的屏幕和电池,但多个摄像机和其他功能,为RF分配的空间仍然是Lilliputian。

    RF部分的缩小距离必须比以往任何时候都更容易,并且增加了更多的蜂窝乐队来支持carrier aggregation和global coverage,Wi-Fi频段supporting MIMO andmultiple antennas保持信号越过。毕竟,不能连接到Cell Tower或Wi-Fi路由器的手机称为MP3播放器。

    An RF front-end on today's smartphone has three important roles:

    • 功率放大Power amplifiers (PAs)与天线接口,以促进低功耗RF信号,将智能手机连接到蜂窝塔。
    • Cellular switchingSwitches快速有效地路由频率信号以最大化移动数据吞吐量。
    • 过滤1188betasia combine or separate frequency bands for strong connectivity (regional or global) without interference.


    瘦了。甚至耳机插孔都以时​​尚手机的名义消失。虽然肯定是电话尺寸和厚度的回报率递减 - 我们已经看到了弯曲和突破 - 射频组件的手机必须使得更轻,更优雅的设计,而不会影响性能。

    Leading RF companies like Qorvo have answered the call for great things in small packages with marked success. OurRF Fusion™ portfolio将所有必要的RF组件结合到单个高性能的多芯片模块中,米粒的尺寸。这一体化芯片包含核心传输并接收RF功能,将收发器连接到天线的一个微小但强大的放置。自两年以前的引言以来,我们已经显着扩展了RF融合家族,许多人high volume winsinseveral marquee smartphones


    This article first appeared inBrent's MusingsMicrowave Journal

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    Brent Dietz


    Brent Dietz

    Brent has seen a lot of engineering and technology during 30+ years in the tech industry. His primary role is making geek-speak understandable to the non-geek public, reporters and nontechnical analysts. It's challenging — simplifying without distorting — and it helps to have a sense of humor. Brent does, which he shares with readers from time to time.