
    本博文首次由自定义MMIC发布谁加入了Qorvo家族in February 2020. Custom MMIC is known for its best-in-class die and packaged components, which augment our power amplifiers to enable multi-chip modules for a broad range of defense, aerospace and commercial applications.

    雷达在飞机的鼻子里Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs)几乎所有雷达,无线通信和仪表系统都是关键组成部分。但是,虽然噪声数字(NF)性能通常是您的主要焦点,但其他与性能和尺寸,重量,功率和成本(SWAP-C)相关的其他微波系统考虑因素,如果不是更多,重要的话。在此博客中,我们将描述一些其他关键特性,可以帮助您在设计周期内节省时间,在装配过程中节省金钱,甚至可以在大型中增强微波炉组件或子系统。

    1. Input Power Survivability

    Specifically, in military and aerospace radar and communications applications, where electronic countermeasures (ECMs) may be used to overwhelm a receiver, a receiver must be capable of withstanding high levels of input power for varying intervals of time. Active or passive jamming can cause levels of noise and frequency bursts that couple large amounts of broadband or frequency-selective interference into a receiver. Moreover, in these applications there is often a high-power transmitter in close proximity to the receiver, which can lead to substantial coupling and power ingress into the receiver front end.

    将批判性高输入功率对接收器的影响降低的常用方法是包括在接收器链的输入上的限制器或循环器。在接收器中加入LNA之前添加任何副作用的副作用是整个系统噪声系数的降解。这些信号链添加降低了接收器的灵敏度,这可能缩短通信范围,吞吐量,雷达范围和准确性,并导致获取任务关键信息的延迟。在添加保护电路时,1 dB系统噪声系数可以有效地变为2 dB或更多。

    因此,考虑LNA最高输入功率处理(或输入生存能力)非常重要。大多数LNA只能在其输入上处理10-15 dBm,但最高的成就器现在持续20 dBm,23-25 dbm脉冲,并可以帮助您消除保护电路。



    Another factor to consider is gain stability over temperature. In applications such as aerospace communications, and SatCom, operating temperature can exceed 180 degrees F of variation within a short time window.

    Temperature changes that are significant can affect an LNA by more than just changing the noise figure of the device and system - they can vary the frequency-dependent gain of the LNA. For example, large phased-array antennas may have thousands of TR modules, with many of the modules exposed to a variety of temperature gradients. If the communications system relies on gain stability throughout the TR modules, and the LNAs gain stability is temperature dependent, the system may suffer a significant loss in performance.

    3. Supply Voltage and Power Consumption

    正确偏置MMIC放大器对于实现足够的设备性能至关重要。根据特定的LNA设计,偏置电路可以由具有温度补偿的正和负偏置电路组成。一些LNA MMIC具有内置的偏置和补偿电路,但必须提供正负电压供应到偏置网络的确切规范正常运行。

    在为大RF或微波组件的系统级设计时,可能需要许多不同的电压。某些设计约束还可以限制这些电源的噪声和稳定性性能,这可能由于有限的电源排斥比(PSRR)而导致的实际LNA性能。为了避免这种情况,可以使用附加电路来调节给定的LNA MMIC的电压供应。这些电路和连接点中的每一个将电位故障模式引入电压供应,从而影响系统可靠性。这些供应电压电路也消耗了有价值的装配房地产和力量,有助于装配的总体尺寸/重量,增加成本和当然,消耗设计和测试时间。

    In order to reduce the infrastructure necessary to integrate a MMIC LNA into a microwave assembly, engineers at Custom MMIC have applied innovative circuit-design techniques. The designs they have implemented, which only require a single positive voltage supply, also enable a wide range of voltage input for even greater flexibility. All of the necessary circuitry to properly bias these LNAs is integrated into the MMIC itself. Ultimately, when your MMIC requires only a single positive supply voltage it reduces your bill-of-material, system complexity, failure modes, and overall system SWaP-C.

    在包括航空航天和卫星通信的移动平台中,功率约束是一种额外的系统范围限制,通常决定了可以使用的解决方案。此外,对于这些应用,组件的功率要求直接导致发电电路的总体尺寸和成本,因此,总系统SWAP-C。用卫星通信看到了这个概念的一个例子。相控阵天线所需的功率必须由安装在卫星上的太阳能电池产生 - 卫星重量和尺寸的最大贡献因素之一。由于发射卫星每公斤成千上万美元成千上万美元,减少了卫星系统的重量,可以直接影响高速卫星通信服务的成本。


    要了解有关这些和其他LNA MMIC因素的更多信息,请下载我们的技术简介:5可以制造或打破接收器设计的关键LNA MMIC因素

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