The world's cable and TV operators are facing increasing competition in their core business, providing "free" television and pay channels for entertainment.
Internet provisioning is commoditizing entertainment. Traditional TV is being replaced by streaming solutions and is very popular amongst the younger generation in particular. Over the top programming from companies like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and others, as well as pay TV providers like HBO and Showtime, are removing much of the demand for entertainment content delivered by the cable companies, reducing subscribers and overall revenues. Live sports, news and talk shows are key for operators today.
客户需求和行为中的这种演变是激励运营商越来越创新,以找到新的服务和收入流,答案可能是smart home services。
在过去的五年左右,有很多兴趣,喋喋不休和炒作聪明的家园和炒作物联网。大部分技术产业已经决定围绕这种巨大的新市场机会枢转。消费者很兴奋 - 他们想要智能家庭服务。解决方案提供商和技术公司在各种市场部门认为这是一年的潜在万亿美元,而且他们都希望成为其中的一部分。
However, there are challenges regarding interoperability and communications as the industry seems fragmented. Apple is battling against Google who is fighting against Intel, Qualcomm and Samsung. It seems that nearly every month, a new industry group or consortium emerges that promises to resolve this battle, but in fact, makes it more complicated for consumers and application designers to make a decision.
Operators have a tremendous customer base. They have all the systems in place for marketing, billing, call centers for support, trucks (or small vans) on the road. Many of the large operators are already rolling out smart home services like home security and environmental control on a limited basis. However, there is a much bigger opportunity waiting that is just starting to emerge.
家庭@ home可能是答案。
第一步是使用各种传感器provide data to the cloud regarding the home's environment as well as the whereabouts of the individual members of the household. In addition to the family members, it can also include parents, grandparents, kids and even pets. This data, over a period of time, is uploaded to the algorithm in the cloud, and then stored and analyzed via data analytics to create behavior patterns so that the system actually learns how the family lives – where they normally are at specific times, who is usually in the house and when.
如果孩子们通常在下午3点到学校回家,并且系统感官人们正在早上11点进入房屋,它会识别异常,并可以向父母发送警报。如果系统知道每个人通常在凌晨8点离开家,并且它识别出门已被解锁,它可以自动关闭并锁定它们。如果加热系统已留下,家庭是空的,则家庭@ Home系统识别出问题并将其关闭,提高能效。
But the system has additional capabilities. For example, suppose the water heater in the basement springs a leak. In addition to recognizing the problem and sending an alert to the home owner, it can actually turn off the water flow, limiting the damage and the expense of wasting water and energy.
One common battle in families is shower time. Kids like taking long showers, which can be expensive for both water use and energy consumption. By being able to isolate and monitor how much energy and water is being used by specific members of the family, it may make it easier to raise awareness and thereby manage those costs. A cloud-connected showerhead that turns off the hot water after a certain time could also help with that water and energy conservation lesson.
这些家庭感觉和管理解决方案并不复杂 - 它们可以由居民自己安装和维护。然而,在大量的情况下,消费者宁愿知道知识渊博的第三方进来处理它。从初始安装到故障排除,已经在家中存在的服务提供商非常适合处理此操作。由于运营商已经与家庭(有线电视,宽带,VoIP,蜂窝电话,家庭安全等)有金融结算关系,因此这些附加服务基本上是其每月账单的另一个线项。
The Family@Home technology is also of benefit for device and appliance developers and manufacturers. By working with these service providers, they can develop and partner their hardware and applications into the service offerings, providing a one-stop shop for consumers. In addition, by letting the service provider make the decision regarding which and what connectivity technology to use, they can eliminate yet another challenge in the development and manufacturing process.
智能家庭是一个似乎设计用于销售运营商的解决方案。但他们并不孤单。零售商甚至产品品牌供应商试验直接销售(互联网)车型不坐和等待;他们也在关注这个市场。有一个机会窗口 - 智能运营商正在识别它并准备进入这个空间。
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