February 4, 2016
Worldwide, thousands of technology companies are viewing theInternet of Things (IoT)和智能家居作为他们的产品和利润的圣杯。大多数行业分析师和领导者都预测数亿个房屋将需要这些新技术。
First off, the IoT — especially for the smart home — is not about things, but instead is about服务that will make consumers' lives more comfortable, more secure and more efficient. Energy control, security, improving the efficiency of daily life, etc.
Unfortunately, the label of the IoT with the word "things" puts many people on the wrong path of thinking.
Things are the necessary enablers, but the complete solution includes data analytics, smart phone apps and billing/support systems as well. An entire ecosystem is at play, in which things play a (minor) role.
Also, many people confuse IoT "things" with connected devices. It is not enough to just web connect a device. It needs to be able to speak to other devices and systems in the home, as well as become smart, to utilize web intelligence so that it is more than just a remotely operated sensor or actuator.
If a manufacturer wants to be successful in the new and highly competitive IoT market, it needs to understand two important concepts:
The smart home is a wonderful concept, but concepts alone do not solve immediate customer needs. For example, no one is looking for a refrigerator that can talk with the toaster — but if these kinds of kitchen appliances can help make the home shopping task simpler, if the connected appliances can make it easier to schedule and prepare meals, then maybe this really is an effective solution that people are interested in. Device makers need to be very precise in what problem they are solving for their customer, and evolve away from simply marketing the "concept" of connected devices.
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