
    Qorvo的IDP解决方案和产品正在锻造新的通信时代。从提高速度和可靠性智能汽车连接for safer, more efficient roads, to upgradingWi-Fi功能to serve more devices with greater throughput than ever before, we are connecting and protecting what matters. Our low-power wireless technologies create seamless物联网网络for greater home security, control and energy management.

    我们是放大能力和性能的工程组件数据中心和光网络. We partner with worldwidedefense社区解决不可能的挑战 - 创新GaN technologiesthat empower armed forces to detect and share information in real time. We are transformingbase station technologiesworldwide, laying the foundations for the coming5G revolution.

    We are building a better, more connected and protected world. Qorvo. All Around You.