Greensboro,NC - 11月5日,2020年11月5日 -Qorvo.®(纳斯达克:QRVO)是联系世界的创新RF解决方案的领先提供商,由美国政府选择了最先进的(SOTA)异构综合包装(船舶)RF生产和原型制作中心。船舶计划将确保为美国国防承包商和商业客户提供微电子包装专业知识和领导,需要设计,验证,装配,测试和制造下一代RF组件。
由海军地面战中心(NSWC),起重机部门颁发给Qorvo的独家船舶其他交易协议(OTA),价值高达7500万美元。This program is funded by the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering’s (OUSD R&E) Trusted and Assured Microelectronics Program (T&AM), and is administered by the Strategic & Spectrum Missions Advanced Resilient Trusted System (S²MARTS) Other Transaction Agreement (OTA), managed by National Security Technology Accelerator (NSTXL).
James Klein, president of Qorvo Infrastructure and Defense Products, said, "We are honored to be selected to establish state-of-the-art RF packaging capability for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). This award reflects Qorvo's proven track record as a global leader in RF technology with over 35 years of experience. As part of this collaboration, Qorvo will expand its proven capabilities in Texas to create a SOTA facility that best serves the needs of the U.S. government and commercial customers."
基于Qorvo的U.S.基于的功能包括高功率和低功耗应用的先进制造,包装和测试,从DC到100 GHz。Qorvo拥有防御微电子活动(DMEA)1A类别的Rickardson,TX位置的包装装配,测试和晶圆铸造服务的可信资源认证。金博宝安卓版Qorvo进一步通过应用从商业市场获得的高产制造和规模专业知识提供了更大价值的国防客户 - 每年提供超过40亿多种异构模块。
Qorvo是一家高性能RF产品和复合半导体铸造服务的领先供应商,用于防御素质和其他全球防御和航空航天客户。金博宝安卓版Qorvo提供业界最广泛的氮化镓(GaN) - SiC和砷化镓(GaAs)产品组合以及一种其他创新产品,这些产品在散装声波(BAW),表面声波(SAW),晶片中使用专利的制造工艺。-Level包装(WLP)等等。Qorvo很自豪能成为唯一的GAN供应商,以实现来自国防部的制造准备水平10(MRL10)的制造。
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本新闻稿包括1995年私营证券诉讼改革法案的安全港规定的“前瞻性陈述”。这些前瞻性陈述包括但不限于我们的计划,目标,陈述和陈述争论,而不是历史事实,通常通过使用诸如“愿”,“遗嘱”,“应该”,“”可以“,”“计划”,“”预期“,”“预期”,“”的“,”,“不是历史事实,而不是历史事实,而不是历史事实估计,“”预测“,”潜力“,”继续“和类似的单词,尽管一些前瞻性陈述被不同地表达出来。您应该意识到本文所包含的前瞻性陈述代表了管理层当前的判断和期望,但我们的实际结果,事件和表现可能与前瞻性陈述的表达或暗示的实际结果不同。我们不打算更新这些前瞻性陈述或公开宣布对这些前瞻性陈述的任何修订的结果,而不是美国联邦证券法规定的。我们的业务受到众多风险和不确定性的影响,包括有关我们经营结果波动的风险和不确定性;我们对开发新产品和实现设计胜利的实质性依赖;我们对少数大客户的依赖,为我们的大部分收入;如果与美国政府或国防和航空航天承包商取消或推迟或延迟防御支出减少,则损失收入;Covid-19大流行,这一大流行,可能会继续对全球经济产生负面影响,并破坏正常的业务活动,这可能对我们的业务结果产生不利影响;我们对第三方的依赖; risks related to sales through distributors; risks associated with the operation of our manufacturing facilities; business disruptions; poor manufacturing yields; increased inventory risks and costs due to timing of customer forecasts; our inability to effectively manage or maintain evolving relationships with platform providers; risks from international sales and operations; economic regulation in China; changes in government trade policies, including imposition of tariffs and export restrictions; our ability to implement innovative technologies; underutilization of manufacturing facilities as a result of industry overcapacity; we may not be able to borrow funds under our credit facility or secure future financing; we may not be able to generate sufficient cash to service all of our debt; restrictions imposed by the agreements governing our debt; volatility in the price of our common stock; damage to our reputation or brand; fluctuations in the amount and frequency of our stock repurchases; our recent and future acquisitions and other strategic investments could fail to achieve financial or strategic objectives; our ability to attract, retain and motivate key employees; our reliance on our intellectual property portfolio; claims of infringement of third-party intellectual property rights; security breaches and other similar disruptions compromising our information; theft, loss or misuse of personal data by or about our employees, customers or third parties; warranty claims, product recalls and product liability; and risks associated with environmental, health and safety regulations and climate change. Many of the foregoing risks and uncertainties are, and will continue to be, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and any worsening of the global business and economic environment as a result. These and other risks and uncertainties, which are described in more detail in Qorvo’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and in other reports and statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any of these forward-looking statements.