俄勒冈州希尔斯博罗(美国)–2013年8月7日–领先的射频解决方案供应商和技术创新者TriQuint Semiconductor,Inc.(NASDAQ:TQNT)今天宣布收购CAP无线(Newbury Park, CA) and its patented Spatium在通信和国防系统中取代行波管放大器(TWTA)的射频功率合成技术。TriQuint估计,到2015年,TWTA的市场机会约为6亿美元。

    此次收购充分利用了TriQuint作为氮化镓(GaN)先驱的地位和CAP Wireless的高功率射频固态放大器系统专业知识。合并后的公司现在提供更广泛的高功率/高频产品选择。CAP Wireless的Spatium技术为TriQuint产品组合带来了卓越的带宽、效率和坚固性。

    间隙技术大大提高了宽带RF power efficiency through the use of patented coaxial spatial combining techniques. Spatium provides other performance advantages including solid-state reliability, smaller form factors, higher power densities and reduced weight compared to either TWTA-based systems or conventional planar power combining products. Spatium can provide faster time-to-market and can seamlessly incorporate GaN MMIC performance breakthroughs while reducing product lifecycle costs.

    TriQuint副总裁兼基础设施和国防产品总经理James L。Klein指出,TriQuint收购CAP Wireless将一种独特的高功率射频放大器系统设计方法与TriQuint GaN器件技术相结合。”CAPWireless最初使用砷化镓基(GaAs)MMIC开发了其空间放大器平台。TriQuint基于GaN的产品可以将Spatium的效率、功率密度、频率覆盖率和输出功率提升到新的水平。”

    CAP Wireless的Spatium产品目前正在美国和国际上的几个国防和商业项目中销售和设计。TriQuint将专注于空间技术开发,作为商业和国防市场中高效电源应用的解决方案,包括电子战(EW)、通信和雷达。TriQuint可靠的高性能MMIC供应,加上其批量生产的专业知识,将有助于满足基于空间和传统放大器产品的近期和长期客户需求。

    TriQuint是CAP无线产品销售和合同的继续运营商,同时使用TriQuint GaN和GaAs MMIC放大器开发基于空间技术的新设备。有关Spatium和TriQuint GaN高功率射频解决方案的更多信息,请访问我们的网站:www.triquint.com. 联系人超群半导体有关GaN、GaAs、SAW和BAW的产品信息,请访问新金宝下载appwebpage for local assistance;登记通过TriQuint的通讯接收产品更新。

    This TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TQNT) press release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. The cautionary statements made in this press release should be read as being applicable to all related statements wherever they appear. Statements containing such words as 'leading', 'exceptional', 'high efficiency', 'key role', 'leading supplier', or similar terms are considered to contain uncertainty and are forward-looking statements. A number of factors affect TriQuint's operating results and could cause its actual future results to differ materially from any results indicated in this press release or in any other forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf of, TriQuint including, but not limited to: those associated with the unpredictability and volatility of customer acceptance of and demand for our products and technologies, the ability of our production facilities and those of our vendors to meet demand, the ability of our production facilities and those of our vendors to produce products with yields sufficient to maintain profitability, as well as the other “Risk Factors” set forth in TriQuint's most recent 10-Q report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This and other reports can be found on the SEC web site, www.sec.gov. A reader of this release should understand that these and other risks could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations expressed / implied in forward-looking statements.

    TriQuint Semiconductor(纳斯达克股票代码:TQNT)成立于1985年,是全球领先的创新射频解决方案提供商,为全球顶尖通信、国防和航空航天公司提供铸造服务。全世界的人和组织都需要实时的、全天候的连接;TriQu金博宝安卓版int产品有助于降低成本,提高连接移动设备和提供关键语音、数据和视频通信的网络的性能。凭借业界最广泛的技术组合、公认的研发领先地位以及在大批量制造领域的专业知识,TriQuint利用砷化镓(GaAs)、氮化镓(GaN)、表面声波(SAW)和体声波(BAW)技术创建标准和定制产品。公司在美国拥有ISO9001认证的生产设施,在哥斯达黎加有生产基地,在北美和德国有设计中心。有关更多信息,请访问www.triquint.com.


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