April 14, 2020
5G is no longer just a promise—it’s very real, even though implementation is in its infancy. There are two examples from 2019 that demonstrate that 5G implementations are materializing. One is thatVerizon launched 5G service in all its NFL football stadiums。另一个例子是,在韩国,5G用户达到了more than 2 millionby August of that year - just four months after local carriers commercially launched the technology. In this post, we explore what’s advancing 5G in these areas such as small cell densification, spectrum gathering, spectrum sharing and massive MIMO. Although it will take time to become ubiquitous, 5G is expected to be the fastest-growing mobile technology ever. According to the全球移动供应商协会(GSA),5G比4G LTE更快地扩展 - 大约两年快。GSA最近发布的数据指出,超过50个运营商推出了5G移动网络,并且在世界各地提供至少60种不同的5G移动设备。
Ultimately, 5G will have a life-changing impact and transform many industries. However, for 2020, operators are focusing on supporting the first two major 5G use cases: faster mobile connectivity and fixed wireless access (FWA), which brings high-speed wireless connectivity.
5g开发的快速速度突出显示2ndQorvo的版本5G RF For Dummies书。This NEWLY UPDATED book describes key trends and technology enablers that are bringing 5G visions to life.
5G users will require more cell sites to greatly expand network capacity and support the increase in data traffic. This is prompting mobile network operators (MNOs) to rush and densify their networks using small cells—which are small, low-powered base stations installed on buildings, attached to lamp posts, and in dense city venues. These small cells will help MNOs satisfy the data-hungry users, improving quality-of-service.
5G requires vast amounts of bandwidth. More bandwidth enables operators to add capacity and increase data rates so users can download big files much faster and get jitter-free streaming in high resolution. The physical layer and higher layer designs are frequency agnostic, but separate radio performance requirements are specified for each. The lower frequency range (FR1), also called sub-7 GHz, runs from 410 to 7,125 MHz. The higher frequency range (FR2), also called millimeter Wave (mmWave), runs from 24.25 to 52.6 GHz.
To obtain the bandwidth in FR1 and FR2, more spectrum must be allocated. Already, regulators in roughly 40 countries have allocated new frequencies and enabled re-farming of LTE spectrum. However, much more will be needed. To provide at least some of that, 54 countries plan to allocate more spectrum between now and the end of 2022, according to the GSA.
5G Radio Access Network (RAN) is designed to work with existing 4G LTE networks. 3GPP allowed for multiple New Radio (NR) deployment options. Thus, making it easier for MNOs to migrate to 5G by way of a Non-Standalone (NSA) to Standalone (SA) option, as shown in the figure below.
5G networks can deliver the highest data rates by using mmWave FR2 spectrum, where large expanses of bandwidth are available. mmWave is now a reality: 5G networks are using it for FWA and mobile devices and will apply it for other use cases in the future. Operators expect to roll out FWA to more homes, as 5G network deployment expands and suitable home equipment becomes available.
Innovation in RF front-end (RFFE) technologies are needed to truly enable the vision of 5G. As handsets, base stations and other devices become sleeker and smaller, the RFFE will need to pack more performance into less space while becoming more energy-efficient. Some RF technologies are key in achieving these goals for 5G. They include:
以上只是新发布的简短摘录5g rf为Qorvo的第二版。我们鼓励你download our FREE e-bookfor more insights into the wireless world of 5G.
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