April 20, 2020

    The Wi-Fi Alliance is launching yet another enhancement – further advancing the next standard in wireless communication with Wi-Fi 6E. In this blog, Tony Testa and Jaidev Sharma help us sort out the Wi-Fi 4, 5, 6, and 6E standards for today and tomorrow’s communication networks.

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    自从20年前的Wi-Fi发布以来,该标准已转变为应用和新技术出现。每个新标准都建立在前一个增加速度,性能和信号可靠性的提高。今天,只有少数Wi-Fi标准使用。消费产品中最普遍的三个是802.11n,交流和斧头。又称Wi-Fi 4,5和6.让我们回顾这三项标准中的一些高级事实和差异:

    Wi-Fi 4(802.11n)

    Wi-Fi 4是第一次看到添加到Wi-Fi产品的多输入多输出(MIMO)。它添加了40 MHz的带宽。MIMO中的单独的RF流在并行独立通道中运行。这使频道宽度加倍,在单个20 MHz通道上提供两倍的数据速率。它允许多达4个空间流(4-MIMO),其理论峰值吞吐量每秒600兆比特,以提高整体吞吐量。

    Wi-Fi 5(802.11ac)

    Wi-Fi 5进一步采用MIMO,创造了更宽的带宽,高达8-MIMO空间流,实现了160 MHz的5 GHz带宽。另外,为了实现更高的容量和数据速率,调制从64个正交幅度调制(QAM)增加到256 QAM。Wi-Fi 5也带来了多种MIMO。统称,它增加了通道绑定,将多个流的能力添加到单个用户。它还允许同时将空间流直接到多个客户端,从而提高网络效率。Wi-Fi 5技术标准是第一个引入波束成形的技术标准。波束成形允许天线传输无线电信号,以便它们被引导在特定设备,最小化干扰并优化每个用户的无线连接。

    Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)

    Wi-Fi 6带来了更多无线容量的时代和更高的信号可靠性。它通过将256 QAM的调制增加到1024 QAM来实现这一点,从而减少子载波间隔并使用基于预定的资源分配。另外,与单带Wi-Fi 5不同,Wi-Fi 6是双频,同时使用2.4和5 GHz技术。

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    对于两个最新的标准,Wi-Fi 5和Wi-Fi 6 - 您是否可以提供概述调制方案如何不同的其他信息?


    Wi-Fi 5(802.11ac)

    wi - fi标准使用正交frequency-divisio 5n multiplexing (OFDM) technology with 256 QAM modulation to deliver data packets. Under OFDM, a device uses a fixed bandwidth (i.e., 20/40/80/up to 160 MHz) to deliver the packets, regardless of whether it is transmitting video or sending a simple text message. This means that each user does not always get the same experience with delivery of data packets. It depends on where they fall in the queue (i.e., earlier users in the data queue get a faster data experience than those later in the queue).

    Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)

    For Wi-Fi 6, however, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing access (OFDMA) is used, which allows resource units to divide the bandwidth according to the needs of the user. It provides each user with the same experience at faster speeds. For OFDMA, the same bandwidth can be used to deliver data more efficiently. With the addition of 1024 QAM there are more bits per symbol – 10 bits per symbol versus 8 bits in 256 QAM. Thus, the more bits, the more data - and the delivery of data is much more efficient. Additionally, the use of OFDMA decreases the space between the subcarriers, packing even more resource units into each data delivery payload.


    阅读本系列中的其他博客,从Wi-Fi专家Tony Testa获得实用的设计建议。

    Why Wi-Fi 6 Will Be Your Competitive Advantage

    Enhancing the Smart Home with Mesh Wi-Fi Systems

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    随着行业中的嗡嗡声,关于Wi-Fi 6向前移动到6 GHz系列,您可以提供对设备上的影响的详细信息吗?


    From the beginning of 4G and now in 5G, the cellular and Wi-Fi communities have cooperated on ways to share frequency bandwidth to accommodate user capacity. In fact, 5G cellular will require even more from Wi-Fi to meet customer needs. As more bandwidth is required to meet 5G use cases, today’s 5 GHz Wi-Fi will strain to help cellular carry the load – especially when it comes to indoor communications.

    The solution is to increase the bandwidth of Wi-Fi into the 6 GHz range, as this will improve cellular handoff and user quality-of-service. 6 GHz is well suited to facilitate Wi-Fi's growth and it offers accessibility to a clear spectrum with less interference from Wi-Fi 4 and Wi-Fi 5 devices on the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. It also provides greater availability of wider channel sizes – enough to accommodate 14 additional 80 MHz channels and seven additional 160 MHz channels. Moreover, this provides forward-looking capabilities for Wi-Fi 7 and beyond, where bandwidths of 320 MHz are being discussed.

    例如,在2020年消费电子展(CES)期间,Wi-Fi联盟宣布其具有“Wi-Fi 6e”的正式命名公约的6 GHz频谱的行业支持。埃德加·菲纳罗,总裁兼首席执行官联盟联盟stated, "6 GHz will help address the growing need for Wi-Fi spectrum capacity to ensure Wi-Fi users continue to receive the same great user experience with their devices. Wi-Fi Alliance is introducing Wi-Fi 6E now to ensure the industry aligns on common terminology, allowing Wi-Fi users to identify devices that support 6 GHz operation as the spectrum becomes available."

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    您是否可以从Qorvo提供6 GHz Wi-Fi 6产品时提供任何预测?


    我们拥有覆盖2.4 GHz和5 GHz的Wi-Fi 6解决方案的整个投资组合。关于新的6 GHz频段,Qorvo的开发工作对于新的前端模块(FEMS)进行了很好的进展,其中一些在近期客户和合作伙伴展位2020 CES公约。我们将拥有6 GHz FEMS和过滤器的完整RF组合,当客户正在制造产品时,将能够实现新频谱。

    All Wi-Fi device segments differ slightly regarding parameter requirements (i.e., voltage, output power and frequency of operation). This new Wi-Fi 6E standard is no exception. Given that it’s still in the early stages and end-product design requirements are still being evaluated and established, we are actively collaborating with standards bodies, customers and partners, to help shape the new 6 GHz products.




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    Tony Testa.
    导演 - 营销,无线连接业务部

    Tony Testa激发了Qorvo的无线连接产品创新。随着他的20多年的经验支持行业联盟活动和客户,他帮助工程师为我们的射门产生了深远的影响

    Jaidev Sharma.

    JAIDEV及其硬件团队支持全球客户建设创新的Wi-Fi /本地定位系统解决方案。他带来了超过12年的RF和系统经验,与Wi-Fi,IoT,LTE等多种无线标准相关,