July 26, 2018

    This is the first blog in a three-part series looking at ESD protection in mobile handsets.

    electrostatic discharge(ESD)自从时间开始以来一直存在现象。当您在干燥的寒冷的日子触摸金属门把手时,我们最常用的eSD的第一次经历往往是童年。ZAP,你会震惊 - 礼貌静电放电。这种瞬间不适通常对人类不成问题,但甚至可以通过少量ESD来破坏敏感的电路。



    这human body and its clothing can store between 500 V and 2,500 V of electrostatic charge during a day, but a human can only feel ESD pulses that are between 3,000 and 4,000 V. This is far above the level that damages electronic circuits, even if a human can’t detect it.

    设计师必须在各个点 - 在组件制造商处,在设计阶段和设计工作结束时解决ESD。简而言之,ESD保护需要多方面的方法。

    Typically, integrated circuit (IC) manufacturers design, test and qualify their ICs according to ESD industry standards. This protects against physical damage during IC production or assembly onto PC boards. The two tests that are typically used for ESD include the following:

    • 人体模型(HBM)该测试模拟了一种ESD事件,其中人体通过触摸IC来排出累积的静电电荷。它由带电100PF电容和1.5kΩ放电电阻建模。


    • 带电设备模型(CDM)该测试模拟生产设备和过程中发生的充电和放电事件。该装置通过一些摩擦过程或静电感应过程获取充电,然后突然接触接地物体或表面。

    带电设备模型(CDM)ESD Test & Classification Levels


    To best understand the ESD protection required for a final product, the OEM should design使用系统级ESD方法and then test the final product according to theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)ESD标准61000-4-2。IEC 61000-4-2被认为是最终产品ESD测试和评级的行业标准。此测试确定系统对字段中的外部ESD事件的漏洞。


    • 系统级IEC 61000-4-2
    • 设备级HBM
    • 设备级CDM

    IEC ESD事件脉冲明显更强,因此对系统中的设备更难以通过。虽然设备级测试(HBM和CDM)有用,但为ESD稳健性提供了基线,但它并不总是在系统级IEC测试期间确定生存能力。

    ESD Model Current Waveforms Comparing HBM, CDM and IEC Discharge Pulses

    To display this concept further, the following table shows the differences between component testing and system-level IEC testing. As you can see, there’s a big difference — the system stress levels are higher.这takeaway:系统设计必须满足比设备级设计更严格的要求。

    组件级与系统级IEC ESD测试



    设计设备级ESD测试(即,HBM和CDM)旨在为具有适当ESD控件的工厂中的离散组件产生可重复和可重复的结果。这被称为一个ESD protected area (EPA)。However, these tests aren’t intended to address the full range of real-world product-level ESD events outside of the EPA.

    这key to product robustness: System-level ESD

    Instead, the key to an ESD-robust system design is to consider the effects of ESD in the system. To obtain a system-level perspective, it’s paramount that designers understand and address the following:

    • 系统级应力事件及其对整个产品的影响。设备级ESD测试结果为系统ESD设计提供最小信息,因为它们无法反映IEC ESD事件期间的电子设备体验。
    • 这board-level interactions in the system,along with the transient behavior of the pins that contact the outside of the electronic part during ESD stress.
    • 高效表征方法像组件级别transmission line pulse (TLP)数据, to analyze the IC, board and system interactions.

    System-level ESD protection strategies depend on physical design, product requirements and product cost.

    了解有关Syste-Level ESD的更多信息:


    System-efficient ESD design (SEED)is a system-level approach that considers the transient responses of all components in the system. SEED methodology also includes the physical effect of an IEC stress applied at the external port of the PC board on the IC pin.




    We'll go into the details of SEED inPart 2andPart 3这个博客系列。但作为种子的一般介绍:

    • PC board’sESD protection forms theprimary protection,防止IC或系统的物理损坏。
    • on-chip保护服务A.secondary protection角色。




    在这个三部分博客系列中的下一篇文章中,我们进一步挖掘ESD保护组件和不同的策略减轻ESD对移动RF设计的影响。第3部分将解释如何使用种子方法,仿真和建模to determine your system-level ESD protection.



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