December 19, 2018

    这是一个很棒的Wi-FiIt’s that magical time of year when family and friends gather ‘round a crackling fireplace, the smell of homemade cookies fills the air, and an annual tradition is renewed when Frank Capra’s classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” finds its spot at the top of the holiday movie playlist. We’re reminded by the movie’s lead character George Bailey of simpler times, and how each of us is shaped by life’s milestones and unexpected events.

    我们甚至可能思考 - 就像乔治 - 如果我们从未出生过,那么生活可能就像。根据有多少家庭成员检查他们的智能手机,因为在贝德福德瀑布的情节展开时,我想知道没有Wi-Fi的生活就像是什么样的。如果Wi-Fi从未出生过什么?


    Bluetooth® technology everywhere




    Had enough family bonding around the Bluetooth hub? It might be time to roll it old school with the trusty Cat 5 cable. Unlike Wi-Fi, where everyone shares the airwaves, the Cat 5 home is cable chaos. With each family member needing a dedicated cable, every room in the house has become a tangled trip hazard. High marks for data rates quickly give way to “Have a nice trip; see you next fall.”


    Ah yes, HomePlug. The nascent technology that was going to make Wi-Fi unnecessary because every home and business is already wired for electricity. HomePlug allows devices to communicate with each other, and the internet, over existing electrical wiring. Now instead of tripping over Cat 5 cables, everyone is battling for the closest power outlet to the TV. Never heard of HomePlug or “Powerline Communications?” Don’t worry, you’re not alone. You can still find a few pieces of HomePlug gear on亚马逊.

    $4K for 4G?

    如果保持拔出但与智能手机连接是您的事情,则始终有4G选项。丢失和需要方向?只是问Siri。想知道有多少星星yelp给了你刚才发现的餐厅?那很简单。需要将更新和自拍照发布到Facebook?完毕。对于大多数事情,4G工作得很好 - 至少在您获得可怕的“您到达了数据限制”屏幕之前。在没有Wi-Fi的世界中,LTE订阅已经飙升......所以拥有数据过剩和漫游费用。当$ 4K /月4G账单终于到来时,“家庭计划”毕竟似乎并不是如此好主意。

    Wonderful Wi-Fi

    Just as George Bailey realizes how many lives he’s touched, it’s easy to see how Wi-Fi has helped to reshape the world and keep us connected at very high speeds wherever we roam. Wi-Fi continues to see new advances at a similar pace to LTE, and they both continue to complement each other, even as5G becomes a reality. We’ve come a long way since the first 802.11 PCMCIA cards had to be jammed into our laptops in the 1990s. We’ve seen both range and data rates grow as 802.11 standards have marched through a steady cadence of alphabetical suffixes: a, b, g, n, ac, ad, af, etc.

    The latest iteration of Wi-Fi,Wi-Fi 6(也称为802.11ax),有助于改善智能家居和物联网中的无线连接。Wi-Fi 6承诺在家庭中更好地覆盖,并在每个房间内提供无缝连接的分布式Wi-Fi。在地下室或车库上的前室没有更失去的服务(青蛙)!

    分布式Wi-Fi(或Wi-Fi Mesh)将使用小型卫星路由器在整个家中共享强大,可靠的连接,进一步赋予IoT连接。现在,您可以使用您的语音助手预热烤箱并记录您最喜欢的节目 - 所有在车库中的车上扭动。

    谈到汽车,Wi-Fi进步将很快迎来一辆连通汽车时代。和802.11p,一个专门用于车辆的Wi-Fi标准, your car could give you traffic updates in real-time, pay for parking or even drive itself to Gower’s Drugstore in downtown Bedford Falls.

    无线上网has been the gift of staying connected with the freedom to move. Just remember, “Every time a Wi-Fi access point gets a ping, a laptop gets its wings.”

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    Brent Dietz.


    Brent Dietz.

    在技​​术产业30多年,布伦特在30年内看到了很多工程技术。他的主要作用是使极客对非极客,记者和非技术分析师造成的。这是挑战 - 在不扭曲的情况下简化 - 它有助于有一种幽默感。Brent确实,他不时与读者共享。

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      Qorvo.'s innovative portfolio enables the smart home, smart energy and other IoT applications.

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      我们的移动无线网络组合溶胶utions address the rapid expansion of consumer and enterprise Wi-Fi.