November 20, 2018
The proliferation of IoT and smart-enabled products is surging, as companies across many industries are jumping in to get a slice of the pie. This trend will continue, as贝恩预测IOT的合并市场将在2021年增长至约520亿美元,从2017年的23.5亿美元增加了两倍多。对于我们在射频行业的人员中,这些都是令人兴奋的时期。IOT正在连接更多的人,地方和事物 - 以及我们的食物。
物联网厨房工具增加了smart-home productsthat just may turn your Thanksgiving meal into a culinary experience that even Gordon Ramsay would enjoy. For example, there’s MEATER — the first wireless smart meat thermometer. No more advanced calculus to figure out when your turkey will be finished cooking. Now, you can check the turkey on your smartphone.
或者,来自亚马逊的新alexa的微波呢?嘿Alexa ......请烹饪绿豆砂锅,我们已经吃了三个小时后我们发现了三个小时。
像所有的节日一样,生活的真谛常常被忽视,因为太多人关注物联网的商业关联性。生活不是关于事情,而是保持联系,让我们的生活更轻松帮助我们更快地做出更好的决策. 我们这些射频行业的人将感谢我们辛勤工作的隐形朋友无线协议和使物联网成为可能的标准。
Without these protocols and their peaceful coexistence, the IoT would not exist. Just watch the3 Aha使物联网工作, and you’ll see what I mean!
连接所有这些设备并不容易,尤其是在目前使用的所有协议中。蓝牙,紫蜂, Thread,无线局域网,NB-IoT, LTE, Bluetooth LE…the list goes on. There are as many standards as there are fixins to go along with your turkey.
使物联网工作的3个Aha–Watch Our Video >
Luckily, many RF products and initiatives help make IoT products work in harmony. I’m thankful to the IEEE for creating the standards that help us navigate the confusing maze of wireless protocols. These include 802.15.1 (Bluetooth) to connect your Fitbit to your smartphone, 802.15.4 (Zigbee) to connect your smart thermostat to your home network, and802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6)让我们在密集的城市环境中保持联系,比如感恩节家庭团聚。
感谢Gateway - 智能家园的沉默英雄也值得留给。网关是智能家居系统的控制中心,并且在通信控制器芯片的帮助下,它们可以处理各种不同的协议,以支持MYRIAD应用程序。
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