openRF.™is an industry consortium founded by a diverse group of global chipset manufacturers and RF front end vendors to create a 5G ecosystem of functionally interoperable hardware and software across multi-Mode RF front end and chipset platforms. We founded OpenRF in response to customer demand for open architectures, enabling 5G device OEMs to take advantage of time-to-market, cost, performance and supply chain benefits. We fundamentally believe that the industry – and more importantly consumers – benefit from the innovations coming as a result of standardized hardware and software interfaces from an open framework. OpenRF will help to accelerate the 5G device ecosystem and to broaden the ecosystem with new vendors.
OpenRF已建立五个工作组that will develop the framework to standardize hardware and software interfaces.
The first OpenRF Release 1 specification is targeted for completion in Q2 of 2021. In our first release, we will outline a framework for software for register maps, HAL design capabilities, and initial common hardware functionalities and definitions.
Source: OpenRF Association
OpenRF创始成员包括Broadcom Inc.,Intel Corporation,Mediatek Inc.,Murata Manufacturing Co.,Ltd。,Qorvo,Skyworks和三星。自发布以来,我们有两家新公司与我们的第一个战略顾问一起加入,并期望在整个CY21上增加我们的会员资格。OpenRF对无线设备芯片组,RFFE和OEM供应商和相关行业公司开放。有关会员福利的信息以及如何在我们的网站上找到加入www.OpenRF.com。
openRF.enables wireless device OEMs to benefit from maximum RF front end choices across chipset platforms, providing lower costs, highest performance, reduced time-to-market and optimized inventory. Let’s take a closer look at these benefits.
Time to Market:OpenRF在产品开发和测试期间降低了惊喜风险。它支持重用RF前端的控制元素和设置指南,基本上预先验证了调制解调器到RF接口,并允许OEM更快地将其产品推向市场。我们的规范的出版时间也由芯片组和组件供应商开发周期的提前期决定。
Economy of Scale/Optimized Inventory:OpenRF旨在通过减少对平台的自定义RF前端功能和功能的需求来简化半导体和OEM公司的库存管理,为即插即用互操作性铺平道路。这将允许通过硬件简化以及软件和资格支持来节省“规模经济”。
通过他们的本质,旨在通过标准化功能和接口来实现生态系统的行业标准,以实现可互操作的解决方案的强大多供应商生态系统。如果我们看看全球最着名的行业标准之一 - USB互连 - 消费者可以从无限数量的多样化产品中选择,同时知道其设备将与任何主机一起使用。OpenRF未告诉我们的会员公司如何构建其硬件,小部件或软件,也不是我们的强制功能。相反,我们正在创建标准接口,软件灵活性和基本硬件块,使我们的成员能够自定义和优化其产品,同时确保跨生态系统的互操作性。
OpenRF由大多数主要行业参与者组成,它是针对开放架构领先OEM的需求而形成的。我们正在努力建立建立成员的强大基础,包括其他RFIC,RFFE,运营商和测试成员以及开发一个有影响力的战略顾问组 - 以确保我们帮助解决行业的挑战。
By the end of this calendar year, we plan to continue building our membership including a robust strategic advisory board comprised of OEM customers in the mobile device, automotive, and IoT sectors. This group will provide valuable insight into customer requirements that will help guide our working group deliverables. By the end of the year, we will have published at least two specification revisions from our software and hardware working groups including a framework for compliance. We anticipate that we’ll begin to see the first OpenRF products come to market during the 2H of 2022.
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