January 4, 2021

    Connected Crowd Visualization


    Location technology has traveled a long road to get to where we are with UWB, but howdidwe get here? To fully understand, it’s helpful to look at how it originated, the role it plays, how it works, and the use cases it powers. In this post, we look at the history of location technology and explore the solutions that led to the pin-point, real-time accuracy of UWB.

    A Look Back at Location Technology

    Stars, Maps and Compasses

    Location technology stems back to the beginning of time. Celestial navigation has long been used for direction-finding, wayfinding, steering and piloting through position fixing. Then came the magnetic compass in the early 11th century. And, of course, paper maps, asking for directions, and trial and error helped people to find their way around the world.

    Satellites Lead the Way

    跃进到20世纪90年代末和2000年初,全球定位系统(GPS)逐渐成为主流。全球定位系统是定位技术的一个巨大进步,它让位于一个新的便利水平,在许多方面改变了我们的生活。它允许用户以电子方式定位最近的加油站,追踪健身情况,制定出行计划,并找到回家的路。对企业来说,好处远远不止是方便,而是效率的问题,甚至是建立可持续的商业模式的问题。如果没有GPS,公司会怎么想亚马逊,FedExandUPSefficiently navigate deliveries to your doorstep?

    GPS Infographic


    十年后,我们看到另一个突破brought navigation inside, aptly called indoor navigation or positioning – think Google Maps for malls, airports, and other large buildings. Indoor positioning is, in many ways, an inside version of the satellite-navigation apps we rely on for outdoor navigation, but with an added twist – it can also be used to help locate people and things. Much like GPS, indoor navigation uses positioning systems made up of sensors and communication technologies – Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®Low Energy (LE), Zigbee and Thread enabled devices – to locate objects in indoor environments.

    无线室内建筑,每个房间都有一个吊舱,使用Wi-Fi、蓝牙等通信技术®Low Energy (LE), Zigbee and Thread.

    The Path to Small

    Fast forward to today and we’re now seeing the rise of micro location-based systems. People and businesses want to be able to locate and find pretty much anything in real time, whatever its size. Let’s say you’re at home and misplaced your car keys, or you’re in a grocery store and can’t find your favorite brand of coffee. Or maybe you’re working in a factory and need a particular tool from a storage bin, or you’re a site manager dealing with an emergency and need to make sure everyone’s exited the building. Indoor positioning at the micro level helps in all these situations because it can locate items and guide you to where they are.

    To offer enough accuracy, reliability and real-time capability, the underlying technology needs to be designed for precise location. This is where UWB technology is changing the game by delivering highly valuable location information across many different applications.

    Connected Store Architecture Infographic
    The adoption of Ultra-wideband (UWB) in flagship smartphones opens up the possibilities for much more precise, reliable indoor positioning and navigation than would be possible with BLE alone. Its extremely precise locating abilities can locate products and people within one centimeter.

    Plotting the Micro-level Requirements


    UWB Benefits Infographic

    Requirements for Micro-based Indoor Positioning

    When designing the first indoor location systems, engineers used the technologies that were available to them – usually Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). While those technologies are great for data communication – what they were invented for – none of them were designed for real-time location services (RTLS), and therefore, don’t meet all micro-based indoor positioning requirements.


    This is why back in the mid-2000s engineers from theIEEEstarted to specify a different kind of wireless technology specifically designed for accurate location that would check all the boxes. This technology was named Ultra-wideband (UWB) and has the potential to change the way we do all kinds of everyday tasks.

    UWB Industrial Use Cases Infographic
    The use of UWB-enabled sensors, tags and smart devices that identify and locate people and things, combined with other hardware and software platforms, allow companies and organizations to conduct a multitude of real-time location services. These include applications from monitoring employee safety to asset location and process/flow optimization, which result in improved efficiencies, better compliance, and cost savings.


    UWB is based on theIEEE standard 802.15.4a/z, which has been optimized for micro-location and secure communication. UWB can pinpoint people and things to within just a few centimeters, making it 100 times more accurate than the current implementations of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi.

    Here’s a synopsis of what makes UWB ideal for RTLS:

    • UWB is reliable because it has high immunity to various types of interference, including multipath (when a wave from a transmitter traveling to a receiver by two or more paths causes interference).
    • Offers very low latency. Update rates of up to 1000 times per second and readings that are as much as 50 times faster than satellite navigation enable the real-time location/tracking of any object/person.
    • 采用主流CMOS技术实现,因此它既经济实惠,又针对低功耗进行了优化。
    • In addition to its location capabilities, UWB offers high data rate and energy efficient data communication – up to 27 mbps today, potentially higher in future revisions of the standard.
    • Leverages distance-bounding techniques defined by the IEEE to provide a level of security that makes it an extremely secure format.

    How is all this possible? Simply put: physics. UWB is more conducive for micro-location applications because it transmits wideband signals (500 MHz) and uses Time-of-Flight to determine location.

    Why UWB is Best When Precise Location Matters Most

    Figure 1 below compares narrowband and Ultra-wideband. The UWB pulse (center & right image) is only 2 nano seconds (ns) wide. This makes it immune to reflected signal (multipath) interference. As shown in the center and right images, the reflected signal (red) does not affect the direct signal (blue). These UWB signals also have much faster rise and fall edges than the narrowband signals (left). UWB signals maintain their integrity and structure even in the presence of noise and multi-path effects. Moreover, the UWB clean signal edges, allow precise determination of arrival time and distance.


    Looking Beyond the Horizon


    UWB has proven to be the only technology able to really help withcontact tracingand social distancing in the fight against COVID-19 as accuracy and reliability are key attributes to designing effective solutions where you need to trust the data.

    Unlike other wireless technologies, UWB provides the accuracy that's needed for COVID-19 contact-tracing and social distancing. It can calculate the distance between people with centimeter precision, allowing absolute certainty whether someone was close enough to others to transmit the virus.

    With the recent adoption in smartphones, UWB is now on the path to become the next ubiquitous wireless connectivity in our everyday lives – from our homes to our office to public venues. Having UWB in smartphones is an important first step towards mass adoption. But another key ingredient is to guarantee the interoperability between all those devices. The fast-growing consortiumFiRa已重新组合来自半导体,移动,基础设施和消费者空间的50多家公司,正在积极地研究将保证这种互操作性的协议的定义。这将使开发人员可以在各种新方法中使用UWB - 例如室内映射和导航,智能家居应用,车辆访问和控制,增强现实以及移动支付。最终,室内地点的未来真的仅限于开发人员的想象力。

    Learn more aboutUWB technology at Qorvo.

    The Bluetooth®word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Qorvo US, Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

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    About the Authors

    Senior Business Development Manager, UWB Business Unit

    Mickael is our authority on the subject of Ultra-wideband. He gained his expertise at Decawave – the UWB pioneer that Qorvo acquired in 2020. At Qorvo, he continues to champion the unique capabilities of UWB to the engineering and product marketing communities and helps them leverage the technology’s multifaceted value to create solutions for a wide range of use cases.


    Jervais provides a comprehensive view into the wireless world – not just about Ultra-wideband, but also Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®Low Energy, and Zigbee. Besides his work with industry consortiums, he offers his wealth of wireless application knowledge to customers and helps enable UWB product strategies for a variety of vertical markets.