据根据,千禧一代现已捕获了王冠作为美国劳动力最大的一代。Pew Research Center。这种转变使许多组织争先恐后地争先恐后地重塑自己对这一代的最高人才更具吸引力。
Perhaps businesses will adopt “tiny offices” to mirror the tiny house movement…
对于那些想要进入有所作为的行业的人来说,是快节奏,不断创新,看起来不比射频(RF)行业进一步。它是消费者最喜欢的技术的核心,如smartphones and tablets,真的在我们周围出现了事情互联网(物联网)。
虽然我可以尝试说服你为什么使用我从我的最新俚语获得千禧一代的领域trusty list of millennial phrases(Is this on fleek!?), I figured it’d be best to hear it from one of my colleagues: Alexis Mariani, marketing specialist and millennial at Qorvo. A recent MBA grad of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, she’s new to the RF industry but has quickly become a go-to resource in the company. I sat down with her to learn more about what it’s like to be a millennial in RF. Here’s what I found.
Alexis Mariani.
第二是学习的一贯饥饿。射频行业不断变化。今天,该行业的眼睛落在了5G,但不久前,人们刚刚开始理解IOT应用程序以及他们的成功所需的射频技术。虽然留在技术景观之上可能是一个挑战,但识别一个挑战阅读知识资源, such as a mentor or relevant news publication, can be a huge help.
该Internet of Thingsposes endless possibilities for the world. We already live our lives through our smartphones. We use them to organize our day, to stay in touch with family and friends, to update ourselves on current events and the list goes on. But what if we could use them to enhance the world around us?
If you want to be a part of something that is constantly changing and essential to people’s lives, then RF is right for you.
你有没有technical background in engineeringor aspire to be a highly-effective marketer, theRF行业提供令人兴奋的机会。谁知道?您甚至可能会帮助启动下一个聪明的蛋盘子!!
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