Wi-Fi 6技术它的产品在市场上获得牵引力。在路由器市场尤其如此,这是2025年的达到144亿美元,根据市场洞察报告。主要供应商认为Wi-Fi 6作为提升路由器性能的重要方法,他们正在迅速让他们努力努力。他们之间的竞争激烈。
作为射频技术的领导者,Qorvo在Wi-Fi 6路由器解决方案提供了独特的见解。小米最近推出了AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 routerused Qorvo technology strength to the fullest. As Xiaomi designed its latest router, they partnered with Qorvo to leverage our RF technology and Wi-Fi 6 expertise to overcome some key challenges.
There has been plenty of coverage on the new Wi-Fi 6 standard, including a Qorvo blog post“解读Wi-Fi 4 / 5/6 / 6e标准”,这讨论了今天使用的许多标准之间的差异。为了适应高密度无线接入和高容量无线服务,优异的执行Wi-Fi 6路由器应提供高速,扩展覆盖率和高吞吐量。实现这一目标为射频前端创造了几个挑战:
To help design engineers with these challenges, Qorvo works closely with industry partners to provide the best solution for its customers’ use cases.
Qorvo has a well-known track record of creating advanced RF solutions. In terms of FEMs, its product portfolio covers design, production, testing, application, and other processes. Qorvo’s advanced GaN, GaAs, SOI and other processing technologies accelerate the development of high-efficiency, high-linearity and high-integration FEM products for customers around the world.
Qorvo’s FEM portfolio also includes products that provide leading error vector magnitude (EVM) floor, which helps maximize the useful non-distortion signal (1024-QAM signal) to transmit through the antenna, ensuring accurate demodulation at the receiver.
同时,8x8 MU-MIMO技术可以大大增加AP连接和数据吞吐量的数量。通过使用Qorvo的FEM(功率放大器+低噪声放大器+软件)解决方案,可以显着加强覆盖范围 - PA可以广泛增强信号传输功率,LNA可以提高接收器灵敏度。
无线上网6 applies higher-order modulation, larger bandwidth and MU-MIMO technology, significantly boosting throughput. Because of the support for 160 MHz bandwidth and 8x8 MU-MIMO (Wi-Fi 5 only supports 4x4 MU-MIMO), there are more stringent requirements on power consumption and chip size. Qorvo's Wi-Fi semiconductor and design selections offer small size, high efficiency, and provide high reliability for the entire system.
However, Qorvo devices provide enhanced matching to optimize system performance. Using Qorvo’s integrated or discrete BAW filters provides all the RF front-end capability — without the hassle and time required to add tuning and matching components. This ensures margins for key indicators are consistent to help maintain volume shipments.
利用上述优点,Qorvo和小米一起工作,设计了特殊的AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 router。By implementing Qorvo’s FEMs, the coverage range of the AX1800 router has been broadly improved — the PA strengthens signal transmission power, while the LNA optimizes receiver sensitivity. Improved efficiency also solves the heat dissipation issue and makes the overall design lighter and more elegant.
The antenna's output power and EVM can reach up to +19 dBm and -35 dBc at the highest frequency of the modulation signal. It delivers broader coverage than products in the same price range from other suppliers, not to mention Qorvo's advantageous efficiency in FEM control current.
Wi-Fi 6 ushers以最终用户提供新的和令人兴奋的功能。随着人们花更多的时间在线,依靠Wi-Fi进行访问,因此Wi-Fi 6提供 - 更快的连接,降低延迟和更好的范围 - 越来越重要。路由器制造商渴望充分利用Wi-Fi 6,同时击败市场竞争。通过了解这些设计挑战,Qorvo的专业知识和广泛的产品组合可以确保我们的合作伙伴拥有他们需要实现最佳产品的工具和支持,如小米的AX1800 Wi-Fi 6路由器。
Learn more aboutQorvo’s innovative Wi-Fi solutions。