HILLSBORO, OR and GREENSBORO, NC – January 19, 2016 –Qorvo®(纳斯达克:QRVO)是移动,基础设施和航空航天/防御应用的核心技术和RF解决方案的领先提供商,今天宣布它已经扩大了其广泛的Wi-Fi产品组合,包括设计新的前端模块(FEMS)设计无线宽带家庭网关和机顶盒。Qorvo是一款高度集成的前端模块的创新者,可用于Wi-Fi,可将最佳的性能结合在一起,可节省高达3.2瓦。
The RFFM4552 and RFFM4558 5GHz 802.11ac FEMs offer the industry's best power consumption, linearity, and throughput. These modules support Multi-User Multi-Input Multi-Output (MU-MIMO) with up to 8x8 antenna configurations, allowing gateways to deliver multiple wireless streams simultaneously to different devices, including new 4K Ultra-High Definition (UHD) televisions and DVD players. Additionally, the 1024 QAM modulation capabilities enable the highest data rates possible in Wi-Fi solutions.
“Qorvo的新型高性能有限元件使服务提供商和OEM能够为他们的Wi-Fi路由器,宽带网关和机顶盒区分,并提高整体系统性能和行业领先的功耗,”Qorvo基础设施和防御总裁James Klein表示产品。“通过提供最佳效率和热性能,我们的前端模块可以帮助Wi-Fi设备制造商支持当今越来越多地回家所需的高数据速率和吞吐量。”
The front-end modules deliver system-level compliance in the band-edge to meet FCC regulations and significant performance requirements related to radiated harmonics. The RFFM4552 is available in a 3mm x 3mm QFN package and the RFFM4558 is available in a 2.5mm x 2.5mm package, and both FEMs are sampling today.
Today's consumers demand that their home Wi-Fi networks deliver increasing data throughput to support a growing range of connected and high-definition applications like streaming media and gaming. Qorvo's complete portfolio of Wi-Fi FEMs (PA, LNA, switch, harmonic filtering) and discrete devices deliver best-in-class 802.11ac wireless performance for the rapidly expanding number of connected devices in the home.
About Qorvo
Qorvo.(NASDAQ:QRVO) is a leading provider of core technologies and RF solutions for mobile, infrastructure and aerospace/defense applications. Qorvo was formed following the merger of RFMD and TriQuint, and has more than 7,000 global employees dedicated to delivering solutions for everything that connects the world. Qorvo has the industry's broadest portfolio of products and core technologies; world-class ISO9001-, ISO 14001- and ISO/TS 16949-certified manufacturing facilities; and is a DoD-accredited 'Trusted Source' (Category 1A) for GaAs, GaN and BAW products and services. For the industry's leading core RF solutions, visit m.peiqingedu.com.
Media Contact
Katie Caballero.
Qorvo.Infrastructure and Defense Products
+ 1-972-994-8546
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