WASHINGTON — January 1, 2021 —今天的半导体产业协会(SIA)为颁布国防授权法案(NDAA),立法,包括标题XCIX的立法,“为美国生产半导体的有用激励”,授权联邦奖励促进半导体制造和联邦投资的立法半导体研究。SIA代表美国半导体行业的98%,收入和近三分之二的非美国。芯片公司。
“Enactment of the NDAA will help propel U.S. economic growth and cement America’s position at the forefront of semiconductor innovation, which is critical to the game-changing technologies of today and the future,” said Bob Bruggeworth, President, CEO, and Director of Qorvo and SIA Chair. “The next step is for leaders in Washington to fully fund the NDAA’s domestic chip manufacturing incentives and research initiatives. Doing so will make America one of the world’s most attractive places to produce this foundational technology.”
NDAA授权的规定仍必须通过国会所作的拨款资助。SIA和波士顿咨询集团released a studyin September finding robust federal incentives for domestic semiconductor manufacturing would reverse the decades-long trajectory of declining chip production in America and create as many as 19 major semiconductor manufacturing facilities, or fabs, and 70,000 high-paying jobs in the U.S. over the next 10 years. A separate SIAreport releasedin June found federal funding for semiconductor research generates an outstanding return on investment for taxpayers, with each additional dollar invested adding $16.50 to U.S. gross domestic product.
“The semiconductor provisions in the NDAA will strengthen the U.S. economy, our national security, and our leadership in chips and the many technologies they enable,” said John Neuffer, SIA president and CEO. “We applaud the leadership and dedication of the provisions’ champions in Congress, a bipartisan group led by Sens. Cornyn, Warner, Cotton, and Schumer in the Senate and Reps. Matsui and McCaul in the House. Now it’s critical for leaders in Washington to put these provisions into action by fully funding them, and we stand ready to work with policymakers to make that a reality.”
半导体行业协会(SIA)是半导体产业的声音,美国的顶级出口行业之一和美国经济实力,国家安全和全球竞争力的关键驱动力。半导体 - 实现现代技术的微小芯片 - 电源令人难以置信的产品和服务,这些产品和服务转化了我们的生活和经济。半导体产业直接雇用了美国近四分之一的工人,美国半导体公司销售额总计为1930亿美元,占美国半导体行业的98%,收入和近三分之二的非美国。芯片公司。通过这一联盟,SIA寻求加强通过与世界各地的国会,行政和关键行业利益相关者共同努力加强半导体制造,设计和研究的领导,以鼓励燃料创新,推进业务和推动国际竞争的政策。了解更多