RFFM4551为Wi-Fi 802.11a/n/ac系统的单个前端模块(FEM)提供了一个完整的集成解决方案。超小因素和集成匹配使客户应用中的布局面积最小化,并大大减少了外部组件的数量。性能主要集中在线性输出功率,包括占空比和数据包长度,同时平衡前沿设备平台的功耗需求。这通过减少物料清单、系统占地面积和制造成本简化了整个前端解决方案。
The RFFM4551 integrates a 5GHz power amplifier (PA), single pole two throw switch (SP2T) and an LNA with bypass. Also this FEM includes integrated 2nd and 3rd Harmonic filters and integrated out of band rejection filters. The device is provided in a 3.0mm x 3.0mm x 1.0mm, 16-pin laminate package. This module meets or exceeds the RF front end needs of IEEE 802.11a/n/ac Wi-Fi RF systems.