April 1, 2016

    Brent Dietz sees and hears alotof industry jargon. He's the director of corporate communications at Qorvo. Thinking about the terms that make him smile, he took a few moments to share them with Microwave Journal readers:

    Listen to any earnings call for a company in the RF space and you're bound to hear terminology that may sound like a foreign language: hexaplexers, diversity-receive modules, TC-SAW, impedance tuners, transimpedance amplifiers and acronyms like MIMO, AESA, GaN and iFEM. While we affectionately call them the "made up" words of RF, these technologies are vital to solving today's challenges in mobile handsets, wireless infrastructure and defense applications.

    To help commemorate April Fools' Day, here are five of our favorite "made up" industry terms and what they mean for our hyper-connected world.

    b:The sound a mechanical sheep makes

    In the RF space, abulk acoustic wave (BAW)filter uses acoustic waves to allow only particular frequencies or bands of frequencies to pass through, while blocking unwanted signals. BAW is particularly well suited for interference problems at high frequencies and has found its way into everything from marquee smartphones to automotive navigation and defense radar systems.


    移动设备用户可以从Internet上传(称为“上行链路”)并下载(称为“下行链路”)内容。像双工器一样,多路复用器确保上行链路上的传输不会干扰下行链路上的接收;然而,多路复用器更进一步,允许在一个复杂的信号中同时传输多个数据流,同时扩展电池寿命。该技术可帮助移动提供商通过组合两个(和很快的三个)蜂窝频段来增加数据速率,称为carrier aggregation (CA)

    GaN on SiC:Half the periodic table in a single phrase

    氮化镓(GaN)是一种相对较新的技术相对于其它compound semiconductors, like silicon germanium (SiGe) and gallium arsenide (GaAs), but it's become the technology of choice for power-hungry applications that require signal transmissions over long distances or at higher power levels (think radar, satellites and cellular base stations). With great power density comes great responsibility — ahem, higher temperatures. The superior thermal conductivity of silicon carbide (SiC) helps keep GaN on SiC devices cool, enhancing performance and reliability.

    Power Doublers:The technology named by engineers

    Indeed, the name says it all. Power doubler amplifier modules are designed to meet high output requirements at the lowest power consumption and often feature GaN on SiC and GaAs (see above) technologies. With the rollout of new, high-performance电缆宽带, deemed "DOCSIS 3.1", power doublers are becoming increasingly important for ensuring proper deployment, performance and reliability of cable TV (CATV) DOCSIS 3.1 systems.


    802.11p是Wi-Fi 802.11标准的批准修正案,以添加车辆环境(波浪)的无线接入,使其成为一个关键的驱动因素connected car reality。在802.11p标准下的产品 - 包括功率放大器,低噪声放大器和Wi-Fi LTE共存过滤器 - 支持智能运输系统,包括车辆到车辆和车辆到巷道数据交换。通过将汽车连接到其他汽车及其周围环境,802.11p产品为汽车制造商提供了新的推动效率,安全特点和设计可能性。

    Have a favorite #RFMadeUpWord? Be sure to share in the comments and with us on social@QorvoInc

    Interested in learning more about the technology behind the terms? Check out the following resources:

    Have another topic that you would like Qorvo experts to cover?Email your suggestions to theQorvo Blog teamand it could be featured in an upcoming post. Please include your contact information in the body of the email.

    Brent Dietz


    Brent Dietz
    Director of Corporate Communications

    Brent has seen a lot of engineering and technology during 30+ years in the tech industry. His primary role is making geek-speak understandable to the non-geek public, reporters and nontechnical analysts. It's challenging — simplifying without distorting — and it helps to have a sense of humor. Brent does, which he shares with readers from time to time.