
    connected carmarket is (slowly) beginning to take shape. Connecting a car to other cars and its surrounding infrastructure via the Internet and Wi-Fi will eventually enable a host of driving efficiencies benefiting car drivers and manufacturers.


    该connected car fits nicely into the developing ecosystem around theInternet of Things, or IoT。该connected car will be a component of a smart city, driven by a multifaceted connected infrastructure and mobile devices. Although typically we think of the connected car as vehicle to vehicle (V2V) — with lane obstruction or automatic braking alerts, for instance — the future is V2X, orvehicle to infrastructure。想象一下,交通灯根据流量模式自动更改或响应通勤需求,或者您的车有能力搜索一个停车位的城市块,以便有效地完成您的差事 - 所有这些由IOT启用。

    802.11p是加入Wi-Fi 802.11标准的批准修正案车辆环境中的无线访问(WAVE). This vehicle communication system is fast becoming the standard for intelligent transportation system applications. New mobile infrastructure technologies — such asWi-Fi认证的Passpoint允许道路速度的公共热点之间无缝,瞬间连接 - 进一步推动802.11p标准到物联网环境。

    RF Design Challenges


    • 802.11p Wi-Fi频段必须能够在其他Wi-Fi带,蜂窝频带和蓝牙频带附近操作。过滤技术如Qorvo's LowDrift™ and NoDrift™ filtersthat address coexistence scenarios are imperative in reducing band coexistence challenges.
    • 减少滤波器和开关插入损耗有助于RF链路预算并减少PA应变。
    • High switch and filter isolation also improves leakage and de-sense issues.
    • 优化GaAs技术以提高线性度和效率降低PA电流消耗。Qorvo的新款GaAs PA制造工艺辅助在优化线性度和效率方面,帮助设计人员降低系统的当前消耗。

    Qorvo's Development Activities for 802.11p

    一个新的Qorvo汽车产品正在开发的是our latest power amplifier, QPA5525Q。该功率放大器是市场上最线性功率放大器,并针对芯片组802.11p应用进行了优化。该PA包含内部匹配的3级PA,补偿直流偏置电路和输出功率检测器。Qorvo还在开发BAW过滤器并调查其他离散和集成产品以支持802.11p。

    Qorvo 802.11p Block Diagram

    Qorvo的汽车产品按照测试Automotive Electronics Council (AEC)标准,以及我们的成就和维护ISO/TS 16949 automotive system certification是我们继续承诺客户的证据。查看有关此PA和其他Qorvo 802.11p解决方案的更多信息,请为已连接的汽车和IOT开启Qorvo.com/applications/automotive

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