This article first appeared on网络世界,由IDG贡献者布伦特饮食。
该事情互联网(物联网)是一个过度使用的嗡嗡声短语,但炒作终于让位于一些有价值的物联网用例。2017年,4331百万smart home deviceswere shipped worldwide, according to IDC. Smart speakers are leading the way, and smart locks, fridges, thermostats, pet food dishes and more have become part of our daily, connected lives.
What would I do without mysmart egg tray?
While there are plenty of smart “fill-in-the-blank” devices, the IoT still has some growing up to do. Battery life and standards still present significant challenges, and not all smart devices get along. The good news is, high-performance射频过滤器are providing faster data throughput, minimizing energy losses and extending battery life. Imagine a world where sensors need a charge only once in a decade?
因为物联网如此广泛,所以网络人员必须将最好的无线电技术与每个设备匹配。ZigBee®3.0正在涌现低功耗网格市场的选择技术,but无线上网那Bluetooth®,Bluetooth Low Energy, Thread,LTE Cat-M1 (LTE-M), Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT)and many, many others power the IoT’s range of applications.
In other words, the IoT has more flavors than Froot Loops® cereal.
All of us know Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies, butLTE-M和NB-IOT, 没那么多。它们落在了一个增长最快的物联网市场之一的伞下:细胞物联网。
Cellular IoT connects IoT devices using existing cellular networks. This is smart (pun intended) for three reasons.
Cellular networks are widespread and ubiquitous, covering 90 percent of the world’s population, according to our partners atNordic Semiconductor。U.S. carriers claim 99 percent LTE coverage or above and growing. Other technologies like Wi-Fi don’t have the same scale, requiring users to search for and connect to a local network (while avoiding rogue access points).
射频提供者、无线基础设施公司d carriers have made massive investments in cellular networks to provide secure, reliable service to as many customers as possible. By leveraging existing infrastructure and mature technology, cellular IoT can connect millions of IoT devices with little additional investment.例如,北欧组合了我们现有的4G RF前端之一with their IoT chipset to create a global cellular IoT solution. #mashup
蜂窝IOT符合具有添加范围的移动网络的低功耗设备的需求。Wi-Fi和蓝牙连接性对于高带宽非常有用,但对于长途通信,不足以足够远。使用Cellular IoT,我的智能手机可以连接到几十英里外的牢房塔,而IoT设备也可以。
蜂窝网络是IOT的逻辑连接点 - 但我们不是在讨论智能拍子。
Cellular IoT enables low-power, wide-area network (LPWAN) applications, also called “massive IoT.” These are largely commercial applications that need to communicate reliably and securely over long distances, including smart cities, underground sensors and fleet monitoring. Nordic offers a few other good examples of NB-IoT andLTE-M applications on their blog:
A good application for NB-IoT is the use of remote environmental sensors to measure temperature, wind, pressure and so on. These devices can send regular updates from a fixed location while optimizing battery use. Such a device could last for up to ten years, or longer if solar-powered and in the right geographical position.
Similarly, an asset tracker with condition monitoring through several sensors, which is mobile and roaming from country to country, is well served by an LTE-M solution that offers highway speed mobility, international roaming between countries and operators, and efficient firmware updates. ("What is Cellular IoT?"; Nordic Semiconductor, April 2018)
相关Qorvo博客文章:How NB‑IoT and LTE‑M Fit into the IoT Ecosystem: The Future of Cellular IoT
5G is the future of mobile communication and IoT, promising blistering speeds and ultra-low latency for a wide range of devices/services. Of course, the道路5G.runsthrough 4G infrastructure那building on 4G as an overlay usingfixed wireless那enhanced mobile broadband, low latency and automated data communication.
This has important consequences for cellular IoT. While 5G holds great promise for IoT devices, carriers don’t have to wait. Cellular IoT can be deployed today using 4G networks and will occupy a sizable portion of 5G networks in the future. As a next step, carriers must find ways to monetize the service and decide on reasonable prices for commercial customers. My smart toothbrush probably doesn’t need a $5 per month cellular data plan … just sayin’.
该IoT is always going to be about making life easier by helping us make smarter decisions faster. We will see cellular IoT applications expand in a world of 5G, including the proliferation of high speed, low latency use cases like true, real-time车辆到车辆(V2V)和车辆到基础设施(V2I)communication, and remote medical procedures.
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