March 16, 2021
虽然有些感觉GaN仍然是一个相对较新的技术,但许多人不能争论它是如何向课堂的头脑进入。AKA,氮化镓,GaN是一项关于Dethroning Silicon LDMOS的CUSP的技术,这是高功率应用中的选择材料。GaN是一种直接的带隙半导体技术,属于III-V组。它越来越多地用于电力电子产品,因为其效率较高,高级高压可持续性,降低功耗,更高的温度属性和功率处理特性。
这些属性将GaR推入5G射频聚光灯 - 尤其是涉及到MMWAVE 5G网络时。而且,虽然我们所有人“听到了5G的承诺,今天,我们中的许多人在大城市 - 我们中的大约500万美元更加准确 - 开始意识到这些承诺,因为主要的无线运营商滚动了他们的客户。但我们还没有。差远了。目标是将28亿用户达到2025.达到这一目标意味着改造整个移动基础设施 - 复杂的事业。但这是可以完成的。在GaN技术的帮助下,在你知道之前,5克将在数十亿人中。
在本文中,罗杰的优势解释道carriers to implement Massive MIMO technology as a means to minimize cost and increase capacity when rolling out 5G. He explores sub-6 GHz and why it’s important for increasing the adoption and expansion of 5G. He also addresses how GaN is being used in Massive MIMO Infrastructure applications.Read more >
Here Roger examines how the power demands of sub-6 GHz 5G base stations are driving a shift from silicon LDMOS amplifiers to GaN-based solutions, and what makes GaN a viable technology for many RF applications. Roger also reviews some of the tradeoffs engineers need to consider between these two technologies and why GaN is becoming the clear winner in many 5G solutions.Read more >
Roger is the General Manager of High-Performance Solutions at Qorvo. He leads program management and applications engineering for Wireless Infrastructure, Defense and Aerospace, and Power Management markets. This overarching role gives him a unique lens to view and interpret where RF technologies play fundamental parts in enabling future innovations.
Building on the previous article, Roger provides insight for embedded designers to fully realize the potential of GaN. He discusses misconceptions about GaN, explores its characteristics, and offers best practices to maximize its performance.Read more >
在本系列的第四个和最后一篇文章中,Roger将未来展望GaN在基站的角色。他提供了普通的甘创新,这将提高线性效率,功率密度和可靠性以及这些改进的含义。Read more >
For more information on GaN technology, visithere。
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