格林斯博罗,北卡罗来纳州- 2022年6月20日-Qorvo®(纳斯达克代码:QRVO)是一家领先的创新射频解决方案供应商,连接世界。今天,该公司推出了两款市场领先的功率放大器,为雷达系统提供卓越的功率增加效率。
Qorvo国防和航空航天业务总经理Doug Cole表示:“这些新的pa扩展了Qorvo国防和航空航天产品组合所服务的广泛应用范围。QPA2935和QPA0506分别为2-4W和4-5W放大器提供了市场上最好的功率增加效率,提供了一种简单的方法,通过插入针兼容性将效率提升20个百分点。”
请于6月21-23日通过IMS (#IMS2022)与我们联系。欲了解更多关于Qorvo的解决方案、公告和会议咨询的信息,请访问我们的网站Qorvo IMS 2022登陆页面.
Qorvo是Qorvo, Inc.在美国和其他国家的注册商标。
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本新闻稿包括1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》安全港条款所指的“前瞻性陈述”。这些前瞻性陈述包括但不限于,关于我们的计划、目标、陈述和论点的陈述,并不是历史事实,通常通过使用诸如“可能”、“将”、“应该”、“可能”、“预期”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“估计”、“预测”、“潜力”、“继续”等术语和类似的词汇来识别,尽管一些前瞻性陈述的表达方式不同。您应该意识到,本文所包含的前瞻性陈述代表管理层当前的判断和期望,但我们的实际结果、事件和绩效可能与前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的有重大差异。除美国联邦证券法要求外,我们不打算更新任何前瞻性陈述或公开宣布对这些前瞻性陈述的任何修订结果。我们的业务受到许多风险和不确定因素的影响,包括与我们经营业绩波动有关的风险和不确定因素;我们对开发新产品和取得设计胜利的巨大依赖;我们的收入很大一部分来自几个大客户;2019冠状病毒病大流行对我们的财务状况和业务成果产生了重大和不利影响;如果国防和航空航天合同被取消或推迟,收入将遭受损失;我们对第三方的依赖; risks related to sales through distributors; risks associated with the operation of our manufacturing facilities; business disruptions; poor manufacturing yields; increased inventory risks and costs due to timing of customer forecasts; our inability to effectively manage or maintain evolving relationships with platform providers; our ability to continue to innovate in a very competitive industry; underutilization of manufacturing facilities as a result of industry overcapacity; unfavorable changes in interest rates, pricing of certain precious metals, utility rates and foreign currency exchange rates; our acquisitions and other strategic investments failing to achieve financial or strategic objectives; our ability to attract, retain and motivate key employees; warranty claims, product recalls and product liability; changes in our effective tax rate; changes in the favorable tax status of certain of our subsidiaries; enactment of international or domestic tax legislation, or changes in regulatory guidance; risks associated with environmental, health and safety regulations and climate change; risks from international sales and operations; economic regulation in China; changes in government trade policies, including imposition of tariffs and export restrictions; we may not be able to generate sufficient cash to service all of our debt; restrictions imposed by the agreements governing our debt; our reliance on our intellectual property portfolio; claims of infringement of third-party intellectual property rights; security breaches and other similar disruptions compromising our information; theft, loss or misuse of personal data by or about our employees, customers or third parties; provisions in our governing documents and Delaware law may discourage takeovers and business combinations that our stockholders might consider to be in their best interests; and volatility in the price of our common stock. These and other risks and uncertainties, which are described in more detail in Qorvo's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and in other reports and statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any of these forward-looking statements.